Massive President Trump Rally In Toledo, OH – IOTW Report

Massive President Trump Rally In Toledo, OH

Tonight President Trump heads to Toledo, OH for a massive Keep America Great rally at the Huntington Center. President Trump is expected to speak at 7:00pm EST. link at Conservative Treehouse

28 Comments on Massive President Trump Rally In Toledo, OH

  1. A nuther barn-burner from a real American President!
    How refreshing to have such direct, down-to-Earth honesty in the White House!
    Thin the corrupt democRAT-Bastard herd in November and restore sanity in the House!

  2. The Dude-in-Chief is just getting warmed up.
    He eviscerated Obama, Pelosi, Schiff and the democrat clown car that wishes to be President tonight.

    After the clown car picks its sacrificial lamb, there will be a delicious barbecue.

    Hosted by the Dude-in-chief.

  3. If anyone has a pass to the Wildwood, NJ 1/28/2020 date and doesn’t have a place to stay, let me know, I am going with my pass! and have a two-bedroom very close by that is my summer rental!

  4. He’s the ONLY man I’ve ever seen grow younger with each passing year in the WH!! He just dealt with Iran, is still haggling with those assholes in congress, had about nine critical meetings and announcements on trade and domestic policy since the weekend and tonight he looks like he just got twelve hours of deep sleep, a couple of spa treatments and he’s enjoying the heck out of himself in front of 10,000 of his closest friends. How is it possible?!

  5. Adam Pencil Neck Schiff and his ill fitting shirts. roflmao – Adam hasn’t worked to have a pencil neck because he couldn’t find a shirt with a collar big enough to fit. With his big head – he discovered having a pencil neck helps keep his head from popping out of his, ah, ah, rear end. And he likes the view.

  6. Abigail, I thought he looked and acted (mispronounced words) like he had only a couple of hours of sleep, if any. God bless him! Either way, HE NAILED IT!

    Also kudos to the speech writers!

  7. @HarryA — From what I’ve read and from what he’s said about himself, he only sleeps about 5 hours/night on average. I guess he keeps his people awake at all hours on AF1 flights. He’s Type A all the way! I love people with that kind of drive but they will wear you out. They’re usually very tough task masters because they cannot understand another’s need for rest. They often think it is merely a case of mind over matter.

  8. AA, anything any of us can do will of course help. But believe it or not in 2016 Trump did win Mason County. If you were to drive around here you will probably see a couple of my stickers. Probably on a pickup driven by a guy with a wife beater tank top. Haha, just kidding about the pickup.

  9. Joe6 — I betcha there are a lot more closet Trump supporters this year in King County than in ’16. I’m a PCO again and the process is about to fire up again here soon. Looking forward to GOTV here.

    Keep Mason County Great!! I bet your magnetic signs will be seen all over your county this year.

  10. @AA ~ that’s a great slogan ‘Keep blank County Great Again’! it would work very well for Trump’s 2020 campaign

    give out Red stickers, signs & hats for every county that voted for Trump in 2016 …. proud to say, mine included (in a state full of blue-shit)

  11. Washington state has been reduced to a banana republic. The will of the voter is meaningless here. They’ll keep finding ballots stuffed in mail boxes, sani cans and lost luggage at the airport. Just ask Christine Gregoire how it’s done.

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