Massive Trump Caravan in Arizona Stretches For 30 Miles As President Visits Battleground State – IOTW Report

Massive Trump Caravan in Arizona Stretches For 30 Miles As President Visits Battleground State

Trump Car Parade in Arizona Stretches For 30 Miles As President Visits Battleground State.

26 Comments on Massive Trump Caravan in Arizona Stretches For 30 Miles As President Visits Battleground State

  1. There is a documentary on Netflix, The Social Dilemma, where former execs and managers lay out how social media influences its users and can shape what they support and think. These Trump trains, boat parades and meet-ups started organically and have grown exponentially and you see the diversity, happiness and joy. We are going to beat them. Social media can only influence those who use them exclusively, we are the real army out there visible to everyone and there are way more of us.

  2. If one was to believe CNN and MSNBC, only a few disgruntled white supremists support and will vote for Trump.

    They will all be crying buckets of tears Nov 3-4-5, and for many months after. Some of them will fatally OD or perform some other kind of hiri-kiri upon themselves. I shouldn’t laugh at that possibility, so I’ll just smile.

  3. I NEVER thought I would experience this in my lifetime, but my ultra-liberal daughter-in-law and my son (who allowed himself to be dragged into her idiocy) are actually voting for Trump. Son told me they have started watching Tucker Carlson every night on Fox, and have been totally turned off by how the Democrats are treating Trump, who isn’t doing anything but improving America. DIL campaigned heavily for Hillary in Las Vegas, and registered hundreds of Democrat voters. I’m pinching myself!

  4. O.K. my town is still swamped. Not as bad as earlier, but we only have one road goin’ trough town.

    Go to a rally. Everything everyone says about these things is true. Masses of people, everyone smiling. Lines stretch into the miles.

    Hard to grasp when you live in a small town. SO. MANY. PEOPLE.

  5. Phenry… gotta’ get to these things EARLY. At 7:15AM we had traffic jams for miles. Didn’t even know about it. Trumps event schedule said Tucson today.

    I drove down the road through a high desert valley and then BOOM! Like a Grateful Dead concert. Cops cars, people spilling out into the street, vendors, 50 million trucks with Trump flags…

    Did you know there’s a ton of big ass RV’s that follow the rallies? I didn’t. People park their RV’s miles away. Unhook their little cars that they tow, drive more miles. Get out at Church parking lot, take shuttle bus for more miles to get to rally. Surreal.

    Oh, and kids. Never seen so many happy kids….at a political rally.

    The Trump line vid only shows a fraction of the length of the line. Started at airport, went through golf course, out driveway down the highway for about 4 miles. Never seen anything remotely like it.

    I guess it was impressive because it wasn’t in a cityscape. You could see all the cars and buses and people with no obstruction.


  6. It was unreal, Brad. I’m still processing it all. Ospreys came in first. Cool as hell.

    We have a super long runway for the firefighting jets. It’s a quirky airport, full of student pilots.

    But the people….. way waaaaay more than the vid shows.

    I had the black hat on.

  7. Here’s the difference Aaron. Trump won’t be here. It’s just a supporter rally. But if last week’s Spotsylvania Trump whisper rally, which ended up being about 1,000, these are fun too. Asians, blacks, whites, a great event. Really fun.

  8. It is hilarious how you Trumpettes fall for fake news and photoshop. Mighty Joe Biden leads in WI, MI and Penn! Blue wave is inevitable! Then we are coming for the repug traitors, ALL of them!

  9. No Jimmy, if I’m going to be lynched, I’d rather members of a philharmonic or museum association do the deed.

    I’d like my last words to be comprehended. Terribly unsatisfying to deliver a brilliant riposte only to have Cleatus the hangman drool in response.

  10. Phoenix is big and full of idiots. That’s our problem.

    I’ll let this go. It’s just I’m usually out of touch with politics nowadays. Living out in Titmouse Arizona is peaceful…but I’m pretty much out of the loop.

    To have the President and this HUGE event in my little town is a bit overwhelming.

  11. Man Aaron if you could have made you would have had a blast.
    AA and I have been to 3 rally’s each was different but the same if you know what I mean.
    So much fun and great people. The first one we got up at 4 in the morning and drove 100 miles to get in line at 6:00 am for a show that started at 4:00 pm. If he goes to Montana this year we are going and we live in Seattle, it really is worth it.

  12. I live in Phoenix, Burr and I resemble that remark, except for the part of being an idiot

    Actually, you’re right about Central Phoenix home of problem minorities and their ever so virtuous keepers

    And East Phoenix as it is being overrun by graduates of that gigantic day care center for young adults known as ASU

    But the outskirts are all Trumpers, so hopefully Maricopa will be a wash

    You mountain folk will have to carry the day

  13. I took refuge in a domicile in Prescott Valley in late July and early August thinking I was beating the heat … only to return home just in time for the most unbelievable heat event in the history of Phoenix

    My overwhelming first impression of your part of the state is that it’s definitely 15 to 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix

    Also the right-think in Prescott is so thick you can cut it with a knife. You’re probably considered radical left in your town


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