MASSIVE Trump Parade of Love in New York City – IOTW Report

MASSIVE Trump Parade of Love in New York City

‘Four more years!’ they chanted.

Geller Report: Sunday’s display follows similar acts of support that happened across the US over the weekend, and that the Democrat media complex refused to report.

13 Comments on MASSIVE Trump Parade of Love in New York City

  1. In 2016 “conservative” El Paso county Colorado, I saw a lot of Hillary signs. This year I have seen very few. Lots of Trump signs and flags. Maybe Colorado is starting to pull it’s head out of it’s ass. We need to get rid of our governor ASAP.

  2. Definitely still a lot of angry liberal democrats but their signs say Hell Yeah I’m Gonna Vote or Nope (w/Trump hair on the O) but there is very little enthusiasm for Biden. They’ll vote though so don’t let your guard down, vote in person.

  3. We are still stuck with 1/with half a nation that are either willfully stupid, just stupid, or corrupt or perverted or psychoparhic or criminal – or all the above.
    We need to get out while we still can: divide the nation. We’ll all be happier.

  4. The Proud Boys and other White Supremacists blocked NYC roads despite the President telling them to Stand Down.

    Mr. President, will you tell these people to stop?

  5. Darn it we missed it this weekend. That stretch of Fifth Ave (I know it well) probably the safest it’s been down there for sometime…

    Go Elise Stefanik Upstate NY! Congressional 21st!

    Eff off Chuckie and Kirsten…you are both useless for the past long NINE months. Except to impeach…you assholes.

    Then there is Andrew and Bill.

    Shit heads, all of them, Ruling and Ruining a BEAUTIFUL state.


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