“Maternity Flight Suits” – IOTW Report

“Maternity Flight Suits”

Joe Biden Says Military Will Focus on Making “Maternity Flight Suits” — So Pregnant Women Can Drop Into Enemy Territory During Wartime? (VIDEO)

25 Comments on “Maternity Flight Suits”

  1. How many “G’s” can a pregnant pilot pull before she auto-aborts.

    My favorite comeback to liberals now is that they voted for him. They get quite all of a sudden. He’s a total idiot and every time he is on I like to point out to them that he can’t even read off a script.

  2. Pulling 10gs in a dogfight against a MIG29 is just the thing a woman needs to maximize the health of her baby

    That’s what my Dad used to say. Apparently, he learned that from one of his patients on the syphilis ward

  3. …I am not a pilot, military or otherwise, but as I understand it they wear flight suits that are specifically designed to compress the body to prevent greyouts and blackouts during high-speed maneuvers.

    Seems like not being able to compress the belly area, which is also the diaphragmic area, would be an issue.

    …also, I have sat in a jet cockpit, and it’s REALLY tight in there. My 6’1 butt couldn’t be a pilot of one even if I HAD the skills, and that’s BEFORE I put on the marriage pounds. Do they plan to stretch the cockpit too?

    …and what about how the BABY moves INSIDE the mother during high speed maneuvers? Ejections? Crash landings? NORMAL carrier landings with an arrestor wire? Catapulting OFF a carrier?

    And a baby on board may make SERE rather problematic as well.

    …see, thing about pregnancy is that it’s usually temporary, just like any OTHER medical condition. If you wouldn’t let a pilot fly who’s had appendix surgery, probably best to do the same for pregnancy. No reason to do anything different for women with a temporary medical disqualification than for men.

    …and bear in mind that pregnant women are susceptible to gestational diabetes, fluctuations in blood pressure they are not used to, pre-eclampsia which high-stress flying isn’t going to help, and that a baby near term can be pressed into a major vein in the back if a woman can’t change positions, and I can think of few things less easy to change positions in than a fighter cockpit…

    …bad for the woman.
    …bad for the baby.
    …bad for the air support group.
    …bad for the plane.
    …bad for anyone the plane could hit.

    …just a bad, bad idea all around, even WITHOUT getting into a pregnant woman’s emotions and those of people around her who KNOW she’s pregnant.

    Not to mention what an enemy would DO to a captured pregnant female aviator who just bombed them.

    …it’s just stupid, AND unnecessary, bad for her and the Country on all levels.

    …which is no doubt why Democrats want to DO it…

  4. While I’m not currently a practicing Obstetrician-Gynecologist, I’ve recently become aware of a famous Princess*, or Duchess*, or perhaps a future Queen* of the United Kingdom who became severely depressed and suicidal during her pregnancy due to the stress of dealing with a highly dysfunctional family. This shocking information should become part of the debate of allowing pregnant women to fly military aircraft. While this woman is noted for her reticence in discussing her pregnancy problems, I believe that she could be convinced to add her voice to the debate if she was promised a real opportunity to promote women’s mental health in a proper setting. This would be in a well tended backyard somewhere in Southern California. We can’t overlook the need for pregnant women to assist the Obiden-Kalamity Administration in the effort to expand opportunities for pregnant women to defend our country in these desperate times, even if they are a little bit suicidal.

  5. The way these clowns are acting I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up in a war. Perhaps they’re thinking war on a big enough scale pregnant women are the backup plan for when the grandma’s and moms are all shot down.

  6. “…updating requirements for their hairstyles”? Remind me again, Joe – how many women in the military wear a beehive hairdo? I am curious if the new flight suits will make it easier for nursing mothers in combat, however.


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