Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans – IOTW Report

Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans

American Thinker: All over the country, Trump’s lawyers are gathering evidence showing that Democrats deliberately interfered with the election outcome. These facts are needed, but one can make a good case that the most powerful evidence of all is mathematical data showing that this election outcome could not possibly have happened. One would think that the Democrats – who “believe in Science” – would be all over this stuff.

The first anomaly is Joe Biden’s missing coattails and Trump’s missing coat.

Trump’s 70 million voters are people who have a specific vision of America. They see it as a nation with a constitutionally limited government, a color-blind melting pot of people all holding fealty to America, and a place for an honestly run free market. They want low taxes, no unnecessary foreign wars, a secure border, energy independence, and high support for Israel combined with low support for the U.N., to name a few things.

These are not people who would split the ticket, returning Trump to the White House while skimping on the Senate. Instead, Trump voters are the kind who will vote Republican down the ticket, from President of the United States to county dog catcher. more

16 Comments on Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans

  1. Math is racist tho.

    Poor Hugh Hewitt…i think he forgot that he wrote “If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat” twenty years ago. He’s having trouble holding it together at the moment. But the fact is that it wasn’t close, and they tried to cheat anyway, and now they’ve got one foot on the dock, the other foot on the boat, and it’s drifting away. We have to make sure that nobody throws them a line, and that they split their pants before they fall in the water.

  2. I was telling the wife yesterday that i doubted they had time to mark anyone else on those ballots. Nice to have it confirmed. Trumps got this, because Gods got this.

  3. I’ll sum this all up with a bit of dialogue from one of my favorite movies, “A Stranger in Town” (Frank Morgan). It’s on YT for free if you want to see it.

    Frank Morgan plays an associate Supreme Court Justice who is incognito in a small town; getting away on vacation to go duck hunting. He becomes involved in witnessing various forms of graft and corruption in this Mayberry-like town and at the climax of the film, one of the townspeople says to him:

    “It’s no use Mr. Grant. They’ve got things all sewn up!”
    To which Grant replies: “But they’ve taken one stitch too many. They always do.”

  4. In forty years of voting a candidate leading in eight races to victory of which should have already been called for the candidate by 10:00pm never woke up to losing in all eight.

    The only outlier in forty years was Florida 2000 which had been called for gore had already trended to Bush at 10:00 pm…

  5. And how many more useless investigations will these crimes create?

    And who will prosecute? The evil bastards know they win: the other side plays by the rules, while the dems shovel sand on the ‘investigations’ and laugh their evil asses off!

    They don’t fear investigations.

  6. Prohibiting entry of authorized observers to watch the count is sure and certain proof of election fraud, imo. I think it is sufficient not only to convict and sentence the criminals, but should also nullify the votes in that precinct.

  7. The left….AND their media whore accomplices along with all the judges they own have NEVER let “facts” get in the way of anything they intend to do. That reality is not going to change now.

  8. An internet search for – have statistical analysis been used as evidence in criminal court cases – returns some interesting search results.

    Some results were about analyzing the findings of courts performances themselves. How probable are certain courts to return accurate rulings vs other courts. I took that as analysis of how competent or corrupt are those courts.

    But statistics have been used as evidence in courts since the 19th century. Seemingly more often in civil cases than criminal.

    Anyway, here is one of the more interesting finds, as it it details a case about forgery on a will. But ultimately the case was decided without use of the statistic probability. Along with several other court cases.

    Statistics were sometimes useful, sometimes not. Most people don’t understand them. But always something for the lawyers to argue over. “It is said that there are two kinds of statistics: those that you look up, and those that you make up. ” .

    Expecting people to be satisfied by statistics proving vote fraud may be a tough sell.

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