Matt Gaetz Press Conference Shows FBI Whistleblowers Detailing Rogue Agency’s Corruption – IOTW Report

Matt Gaetz Press Conference Shows FBI Whistleblowers Detailing Rogue Agency’s Corruption

9 Comments on Matt Gaetz Press Conference Shows FBI Whistleblowers Detailing Rogue Agency’s Corruption

  1. James Woods…”do something.” Defund. Abolish. Start over. Arrest. Prosecute. Jail. Throw the book at them and anyone who stands in the way, so it never happens again. Start with Comey.

  2. ” Defund. Abolish. Start over. Arrest. Prosecute. Jail”

    And who’s going to enforce that. The FBI missed yet another deadline to turn over Hunter’s Lap Top info over to Congress. They basically told them to fuck off. This is the FBI letting everyone know the Republic is dead. Fuck off, we’ll do as we please because we have guns.

  3. The other day I was thinking about all the damage that Wray has wrought on our Republic. Yeah, it started with Comey but Wray brought us corruption 2.0.

    We all remember how bad Trump was at vetting many of his appointees and Wray was the worst and I remember the many times I wondered why in the hell Trump is keeping this disloyal partisan hack. All of Trump’s advisors warned him against dumping Wray, that it would be politically dangerous and be viewed as interfering with ongoing investigations, even impeachable. To me, those objections rang hollow. Trump knew it was a political maneuver with no substance, but much like with Faucci, he let the bad actors close to him influence him in ways antithetical both to his instincts and the well-being of the nation.

    To Brad’s point above, Congress can not compel the FBI to do anything. They have the backing and cover of the Justice Dept., which falls under the purview of The Executive Branch.

    All that these congressional hearings can do, and they know this, is to keep the corruption in the news and hope that the voters will factor this in when they decide who will be the next president.

  4. I’m almost certain that the documents they failed to deliver to Congress were court ordered. Now they’re breaking the law. And their response? So what.
    We have big problems.

  5. I saw a video earlier that seemed to indicate that field offices are fed up with what is coming out of the Washington headquarters. Maybe a mutiny is brewing. You would have to think that agents are finding it harder and harder to do their jobs as they are finding less and les cooperation. Leftists would not have helped them to begin with, and now conservatives are probably telling them to engage in self-intercourse.

    If we can get Trump back on Pennsylvania Avenue, he should act on his idea to break up Power Central otherwise known as Washington DC. As long as the corrupt know that they will be judged by the corrupt, nothing will happen. Having the power spread throughout the country means they cannot depend on their corruption being whitewashed if not abetted.


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