Mattis didn’t disclose ties to China-boosting firm in column slamming Trump’s ‘America First’ policy – IOTW Report

Mattis didn’t disclose ties to China-boosting firm in column slamming Trump’s ‘America First’ policy

Just The News: In an online column denouncing President Trump’s “America First” policy that includes measures regarding Beijing, ex-Defense Secretary James Mattis did not disclose his affiliation with an organization that fosters international business deals with communist China.

As coauthor with three other writers in a Nov. 23 Foreign Affairs column, Mattis did not mention that he works for the The Cohen Group consulting firm. Nor did he challenge China’s tough talk against U.S. policies regarding Taiwan, nor the strict economic retaliation Beijing levied against Australia.

Instead, Mattis criticized Trump administration policies toward Beijing. Such policies, touted by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, are not in line with The Cohen Group’s approach toward international business dealings with Beijing. more

26 Comments on Mattis didn’t disclose ties to China-boosting firm in column slamming Trump’s ‘America First’ policy

  1. This lump of sh#t is what passed for a General in the Obozo admin. I recall he was all for transgenders and other assorted deviants in the military. Nothing more needs to be said.

  2. Fuck off asshole.

    It’s really unbelievable but so called “Americans” take Chinese cock up the ass for what? Money. A cushy lifestyle.

    Really “mad dog” fuck the fuck off you fucking piece of shit

  3. some ‘back of the napkin’ journalism:
    mattis didn’t disclose chinese ties.
    he works for the cohen group.
    dla piper is the law firm used by the cohen group.
    douglas emhoff works for dla piper.
    douglas emhoff has served as a partner in the dla piper’s Intellectual Property and Technology practice and its Media, Sport, and Entertainment sector since 2017.
    douglas emhoff is kamala harris’ husband.
    that’s why he didn’t say anything.
    he doesn’t have to.

    “Cohen has personally traveled to China on several occasions to meet with Chinese Communist Party officials to increase Chinese capital flow into the U.S., which is the main avenue through which intellectual property theft and spying occur.”

  4. If Trumps done nothing else, he’s stripped all the traitors naked for the world to see. Special faces guys were warning everyone about this clown when Trump added him to his administration. Rumor has it he really enjoys rectal exams wit really big instruments. Mean while Trumps trying to bring back “Death By Firing Squads”. Mattis would be an excellent first target. The traitorous piece of shit.

  5. Like so many other retired high ranking military personnel, Dirty Dog Mattis is a part of the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about 60 years ago.

    He needs to be taken down.

  6. Well he certainly lives up to the name Mad Dog…at least the MAD part. I can’t believe this is the same guy who was a highly respected Marine! I have a shit load of Marine Corps friends that range from Private to Colonel and they are just as dumbfounded as I am.

  7. TRF
    There are many bad Jarheads! naming just 3 you may know:

    1. GWB’s boy Mueller
    2. F. Lee Baily
    2. Lee H. Oswald

    Most are goo. but not all by any means!

    “MD DOG” Was promoted by GWB! That should have been clue #1!

  8. I used to think that General Mattis was good guy being a fellow native of Washington state, not anymore. I heard an old song from the 60’s the other day on Pandora poking fun at all the military services. Their acronym for Marine was “muscles are required intelligence not essential”, I think that this is highly appropriate in Mattis’s case. As a student of history he should know better but evidently the temptation of money and power must’ve corrupted him.

  9. There is a pic out there on the Net with all these chinese young concubines kneeling on one knee in the first row with officials flanking him on his left and right.

    Can’t find it, it’s been SCRUBBED. Talk about a PISS fest.

  10. Hey Mattis, if you’re such a stud why are US troops still in the middle east?

    Just another ex general who’s delusions of grandeur cause him to believe he’s Alexander the Great.

  11. The simple fact that he’s writing an article for the magazine “Foreign Affairs”, the house organ of the Counsel on Foreign Relations, is all you need to know about this Manchurian candidate commie traitor!!!

  12. He’s an odd duck, that’s for sure. I knew a couple general officers who were stationed at Fort Lewis. Norman Schwarzkopf used to come out to shoot when we were running field trial dogs on the reservation. A very nice guy. A friend’s dad was a bird colonel who later made general and came back to FT Lewis. I rarely saw him that he wasn’t covered in sweat and dust or mud. There have always been a lot of weirdos in among the general officers.

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