‘Mattis was no good’ – IOTW Report

‘Mattis was no good’

American Thinker: American Thinker readers were warned about General Mattis over a year ago in this article.  Briefly, Mattis was and remains a supporter of global warming.

The issue of global warming continues to be a reliable and simple litmus test.  If someone believes in global warming, then you can be sure he is a globalist who loathes Western civilization.

Then there was his support for the Islamist Anne Patterson, loathed by the Egyptian people for her support for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Then there was the matter of allowing one of his underlings to throw Fox Company, of Task Force Spartan in Afghanistan in 2007, under a bus so he could advance his own career.

Since that article, Mattis’s charge sheet has expanded somewhat.  Trump wanted to get trannies out of the military simply because of the costs involved in having them.  Mattis pushed back and slow-walked the order.  Gender dysphoria is one of the worst mental illnesses, with a 50 percent suicide rate.  Who in his right mind would leave people suffering from this condition near weapons or machinery?  Someone who ranks ideology above effectiveness and unit cohesion would.

Mattis argued the case for staying in Afghanistan, overriding Trump’s gut instinct.  There is no point in staying in Afghanistan.  When someone stops paying for the imported grain that allows Afghanistan’s population to double every 25 years, then Afghanistan will collapse.  Mattis’s reasoning for staying in Afghanistan is that we either fight them there or fight them here.  The opposite is true.  By continuing to feed them, we are creating more future terrorists.  The way to keep this country safe is to forbid them to enter.

Mattis entered into a “suicide pact” with Steve Mnuchin and Rex Tillerson with the effect that if any one of them was fired, the other two would resign.  Normally an employer, upon hearing that his employees have entered into such an undertaking, would fire all three straight away.  The president didn’t do that, and Tillerson showed how ineffectual he was.  Tillerson won’t be taking much of his time leading the Boy Scouts of America from now on; he allowed gay troop leaders, and now the venerable institution is considering bankruptcy in response to gay rape claims.  Like Mattis, Tillerson rose through projecting an image.  The reality fell far short of that.  MORE HERE

28 Comments on ‘Mattis was no good’

  1. “The way to keep this country safe is to forbid them to enter.” AMEN. Stop these foolish overseas military misadventures, they are bankrupting us and have zero to do with border and internal security issues.

  2. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if he resigned because of his differences over global warming? 100% support for Trump’s foreign policy but his inner tree hugger just couldn’t handle anymore fact based policy on CO2

  3. I became suspicious when “Generation Kill” Hollycommiewood lauded him with a character actor that has no connection with his displayed persona.

    And I know a couple of real “mad dogs” that participated in 360˚ killing fields in RVN. Maybe he is, maybe he ain’t. I cannot tell hype from hyperbole at a distance.

    All said and done, I do wish Jim well and a well-deserved retirement in the peace for which he labored.

  4. “If someone believes in global warming, then you can be sure he is a globalist who loathes Western civilization.”
    David Archibald can go screw himself. I served under General Mattis in The 1st Marine Division and on his staff at USCENTCOM. Gen Mattis dedicated his life to stacking the bodies of those who would threaten our western civilization.

  5. It’s not about “global warming”, but “man-made global warming”.
    Global warming, and cooling has been going on for millennia.
    “Man-made” is a fraud promoted by crooks like Algore to get rich.
    Taxpayers get hosed. Mattis has a long history in the swamp. Byeeee.

  6. OK, I know I’m probably going to be pilloried for this comment, but has anyone else noticed that every time some guy like Mattis, who was hailed by the Right as a great patriot as long as he was on Trump’s team, suddenly turns out to have feet of clay when he has some disagreement with POTUS and leaves? I mean, you can go from hero to no-good SOB overnight here, which is what I wouldn’t expect from rational observers.

    The fact that General Mattis was or is a supporter of global warming never affected his reputation with Conservatives before his resignation, and it shouldn’t now.


  7. Mattis was a pussycat compared to Curtis LeMay. Now, there was a guy who wasn’t afraid to do whatever it took to obliterate America’s enemies. He was deemed a monster by some but he did what he did to finish the war and save American lives and achieve victory. He didn’t apologize for the tactics he used. He was a true warrior. He didn’t spend time bragging about being tough because he was too busy killing the enemy. He didn’t want his people to love him but respect him and perform their duty in order to achieve the mission. Long live SAC!

  8. Vietvet, yet he wants to continue the 0bama and bush wars when he knew Trump didn’t, so he quit. And the left is worried about Mattis, their new hero, even though they hate the start and continuation of any war, but only when it’s a Republican. lol. Trump is stopping 2 wars (and you know how the left should love that, but…) and suddenly the Left freaks? Why?

    Trump did say he wanted to end those wars. Mattis knew this, no?

    I’m not saying Mattis didn’t deserve to be where he got to in life, but he did the right thing in leaving. And Trump didn’t call him names over it, like he usually does with the assholes. 😀

    Me? I’m not 100% a Mattis backer. And we should always remember, no position, elected or appointed is MADE for someone. Anyone can be replaced.

  9. MJA I worked for ExxonMobil for a long time but for Mobil Oil first. Mobil was a very good company to work for and it’s employees were generally respected for their experience. Mobil stock always performed well, year after year. Exxon seemed to hate it’s employees, except for the uber suck-asses, and never let a chance pass to remind every one of them that their job hung by a thread. The only employees who ever made out like bandits were Tillerson and the board members. I retired six years ago and Exxon stock is valued less today than in 2013. I took my lump sum pension and washed my hands of them and it’s a good thing I did. Rex Tillerson never worked anywhere else besides Exxon and that was the problem. With him, it was the Exxon way or the highway.

  10. @MJA (at 9:21 pm): Mattis is a warrior. Warriors always want to fight. Trump knew that when he picked him. But that’s no reason for Mattis to be lauded when he was in Trump’s camp, and then denigrated when he is not. He’s the same guy, after all. And it’s not just about Mattis, either. Lindsay Graham has been ridiculed as a pussy here for years, with lipstick on his pictures, etc. Then Lindsay stood up against Kavanaugh protesters and suddenly he’s a hero. Hurrah, now Lindsay’s got balls! But then Lindsay questions Trump’s plan to pull out of Afghanistan, so he’s probably a pussy just like we knew he was. But wait – now he praises Trump’s refusal to compromise over border wall funding, so maybe he’s a good guy after all.

    All I’m saying is, if we can’t be consistent about how we view an individual, we might as well join the Hollywood crowd and the snowflakes who blow with the prevailing media winds.


  11. Vietvet. Did I call Mattis a pussy? Talk to the people who did. Name them.

    “All I’m saying is, if we can’t be consistent about how we view an individual, we might as well join the Hollywood crowd and the snowflakes who blow with the prevailing media winds.”

    No, the difference is that the right doesn’t complain about people on a whim like hollywood does for stupid reasons. No comparison there. And I’m sure we’ll be bitching about Linds in no time. I’m not going to “consistently” ass kiss someone or rag on them when they don’t deserve it. That goes for Trump, too.

    Again. My issue is, Mattis knew Trump wanted out of the 0bamabush wars. why did he accept the job? Because he didn’t think Trump would actually do it?

    I don’t expect you to answer that one. But I’d like to hear it from Mattis, though.

  12. “If you’re hanging around being a senator so long that you can reinvent yourself 3 times I think the problem lies in the senator, not the people who react to the various incarnations.”

    Gotta agree with Viet Vet here. We were all cheering him when he pushed single handily pushed through the Kavanaugh. Now he’s a dick. His charges make no sense, especially when you consider non of these wars had Congressional approval.
    My thought on continuing the conflicts in Syria and Afghanistan are it’s a mistake to pull out. But not for the reasons you’ve heard before. These places are great resource for real world testing of our weapon systems. Invaluable. Drones, Fly by Wire, NLOS. This will help improve these weapons system rapidly.
    I think Mattis is a bad ass warrior. He’s no damn pussy. But when Trump says “He might be a Democrat”. That’s a problem.

  13. @MJA (at 10:44 pm): Nobody called Mattis a pussy – far from it. Go back and re-read my last comments. Also note that I said that this is not just about Mattis. Or Graham, or anyone else. This is about our tendency to heap praise on anyone whom we perceive to agree with our current political position, and then scorn them when they deviate from the chosen path (i.e., total agreement with POTUS).

    Well, I don’t happen to agree with everything POTUS does, either. Does that make me “no good” too?

  14. Vietvet

    Your circling around something that bugs the shit out of me about “Conservatives”. The damn Purests are going to kill the Constitutional Republic. Take your victories where you can get them. Vote for the damn guy, or woman, that has an R behind their name, no matter what. Don’t sit any election out because you don’t like what you see. You can’t take your toys home, refuse to play, and expect to march the ball down the field.

  15. By the same logic, perhaps Mattis shouldn’t have quit merely over his disagreement with Trump. He’s serving the country, not just the President. He couldn’t see past the Syria decision and conclude that both his and the country’s interests were still synonymous? Or does he have to approve of every major Trump policy decision before he goes to work every day as SecDef? If true, it sounds like he’d have trouble working very long for any President.

  16. @Bad_Brad (at 11:42 pm): You’re preachin’ to the choir here, bro. I held my nose and voted for a lot of “R”s that I normally wouldn’t have in 2016 and the midterms, just to keep the “D”s from getting back in power.

    Keep the baby, Faith! (Or something like that, I forget what.)


  17. No one is calling Mattis a name, or discounting his life of sacrifice and honorable service. His body is aged by that dedication including two years under the toughest boss to probably ever walk the Earth.

    We thank Jim and welcome him home to a job superbly completed.

  18. Hambone –

    Your description of Exxon perfectly fits with my experience…(Exxon seemed to hate it’s employees,) and contractors, too.

    I worked for Dresser (oil field service) doing work for nearly all oil companies in the Rocky Mtns. We cringed when had work for Exxon…. Hated working for them.

    We were very good at what offered, but Exxon tried to belittle us every chance they got.

  19. As for Mattis… He’s a warrior not a politician. If there are no wars going on. He’s lost.

    And this AGW thing, judging only from what I read about his belief, is a show stopper for me.

  20. .45-70 Yep! Everybody hates working for Exxon and it doesn’t have to be that way. I really used to like going to work when I worked for Mobil Oil. I retired from ExxonMobil after 32 years because I didn’t think I could take 32 more minutes of them. They suck and Rex Tillerson was the guy responsible for the culture there. He simply had no respect for other people and what they had to offer that would make the company better. Rex and the leadership at Exxon never took responsibility for the decisions they made that had negative results for the company but let some poor shlub in the field make a tiny mistake and they were gone. I speak to younger employees who work at the plant I retired from and every one of them say they hate working there. My dad said something to me once when I was a young man. He said he would only work for a company until something better came along. In other words, don’t be loyal to a company, but to your family, because the company damn sure isn’t going to be loyal to you. He worked at the same chemical plant for 41 years.


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