Maureen Dowd on pot candy bar: ‘I became convinced that I had died’ – IOTW Report

Maureen Dowd on pot candy bar: ‘I became convinced that I had died’

USA Today

In Maureen Dowd’s latest column for the New York Times, she describes her scary experience eating a pot candy bar while reporting on legalized marijuana in Colorado.

She sat in a Denver hotel room experimenting with the legalized edible, “nibbling” on some of the chocolate-flavored bar.

“For an hour, I felt nothing […] But then I felt a scary shudder go through my body and brain. I barely made it from the desk to the bed, where I lay curled up in a hallucinatory state for the next eight hours,” Dowd said.

She goes on to explain how her paranoia deepened, saying the high wore off “distressingly slowly.”

“I had been convinced that I had died and no one was telling me,” Dowd said.

A medical consultant told Dowd later that these types of candy bars should be consumed by inexperienced users by cutting them into 16 pieces. That recommendation, she said, was not on the packaging label.



32 Comments on Maureen Dowd on pot candy bar: ‘I became convinced that I had died’

  1. That reminds me of the reaction of one of the bridesmaids at a bachelorette party my daughter organized for a friend once (as MOH). They were hitting bars in downtown Denver, and the one girl started getting emotional after consuming an umbrella drink that had – maybe – one once of liquor in it. She started tearing up and whining “I don’t know how I feel right now…” Daughter grabbed her by the shoulders: “Oh no. We have stuff to do. We are not doing this now. Get your shit together.”

  2. “I barely made it from the desk to the bed, where I lay curled up in a hallucinatory state for the next eight hours,” Dowd said.
    She goes on to explain how her paranoia deepened, saying the high wore off “distressingly slowly.”

    When Maureen Dowd is capable of processing the information, someone please inform her that Preezy, the clown prince who likely so impresses her, spent the majority of his adult life CHOOMING. And also point out to her that he enjoys unprecedented (and illegal) power over all our lives.

    That ought to make her die shivering.

  3. I wish I had some pot that made hallucinate Dowd dying. Hell, I will eat the whole bar if it could expand the body count to the first 100 commenters in every NYT thread.

  4. When you are mentally flying that “low over the water’ then maybe that is an indication that you don’t NEED drugs………….

    Each person rises (or slumps) to their own level of incompetence!

  5. “I lay curled up in a hallucinatory state for the next eight hours,”

    Now we know where Obummer was when Benghazi was going down. Too high to do his job or even care to do it–he was Chooming!

  6. This didn’t happen. I call bullshit!

    I smoked pot 30 years ago, Granted, it was a lot weaker back then, but “curling into a fetal position and thinking that I had died??!!

    Bull(cough cough)shit!

  7. You gotta give her a little slack, if it’s true that the pot brownie was technically 16x the recommended “dose” for someone who had never done pot, then she’s a trooper for keeping her stuff together as well as she did.

    Shame on whoever gave it to her and didn’t say “that’s a little strong don’t eat it all at once.”

    Or, in today’s vernacular “Yo, that shit be strong, bitch.”

  8. Remember the cop that ate pot brownies and called 911 saying the same crap?

    Now, I, hand to God, have never used pot, ect… I wonder if there’s a difference between ingesting or smoking it?

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