Maxine flips her wig – IOTW Report

Maxine flips her wig



Maxine’s Meltdown: Waters Goes Crazy in Congress, Repeats Herself 14 Times.

Liberal firebrand Maxine Waters threw a public temper-tantrum on the floor of the US House of Representatives on Thursday, harassing Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and screaming the same thing at least a dozen times.

The California Congresswoman was listening to Mnuchin’s testimony before a Financial Services Committee hearing when she launched her tirade; interrupting the Trump official over 14 times within two-minutes while repeatedly screaming, “Reclaiming my time!”

“Mr. Chairman, I thought when you read the rules you acknowledged that I shouldn’t be interrupted,” said Mnuchin as he was interrupted by Waters yet again.

“What he failed to tell you was when you’re on my time, I can reclaim it,” Waters snapped.

Mnuchin continued, saying, “Let me just say that the Department of Treasury has cooperated extensively with the Sen-“

“Reclaiming my time! Reclaiming my time! Reclaiming my time! Reclaiming my time! Reclaiming my time!” repeated Waters.  WATCH

15 Comments on Maxine flips her wig

  1. Time to give her the same treatment the dems are giving Trump. Hire a hand full of lawyers to put her life under a microscope and keep looking until they find something wrong. In her case, it should only take a few days.

  2. It is the joke on all of us. Everyone who works for her and with her know she is one of most corrupt people in Congress — and that is a already-crowded roster. But instead of drumming her out, they all cover for her because they don’t want that light shining on themselves — and that is what would happen if anyone questioned her or gave testimony against her. There is one place on earth that is so corrupt there isn’t even a word for it anymore.

  3. Why didn’t he announce that he was leaving and wouldn’t be back until they revised their rules to let him speak and answer questions without rude interruptions from a fish faced looking moran!!

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