Maxine vs Kelly – IOTW Report

Maxine vs Kelly

WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) – Rep. Maxine Waters (RTRD-Ca) received a vicious verbal beatdown on the House floor at the hands of Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly on Wednesday when he compared the octagenarian’s intelligence to that of a ‘clock radio.’

7 Comments on Maxine vs Kelly

  1. “is there any line a liberal won’t cross ?”

    No, because they have far more of something that they accuse their enemies of having: self-righteousness. When someone has that, there is no limit to the self-justification they can dredge up for anything they do. Literally, anything. From blatant, deliberate lying, to forcing their opinions upon others by legislation or by force, to mass murder.

    Nothing they ever do can possibly be wrong…simply because they are the ones doing it. They’ve granted themselves absolute moral authority.

    Of course if YOU tried to do the exact same things, that would make you the most evil thing in the universe. But when they do it…it’s righteous, just, holy and good.

    But all of that we already know. Our dilemma is what we’re to do about it because it can only get worse.

    There are only three ways to deal with such people: avoid them (pretty much impossible, they won’t allow it), submit to them (not likely), or . . .

    I believe current trends indicate that curtain #3 will open pretty soon.


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