Maxine Waters: Black Trump Voters Are ‘Shameful’ — ‘I Will Never Ever Forgive Them’ – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters: Black Trump Voters Are ‘Shameful’ — ‘I Will Never Ever Forgive Them’

Breitbart: Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Friday on SiriusXM’s “The Joe Madison Show” that Black voters intending to cast ballots for President Donald Trump are “shameful.”

Waters said, “I don’t even know where any Blacks would be coming from that would be voting for Trump. It just hurts me so bad to see Blacks talking about supporting Trump. I don’t know why they would be doing it. I don’t know why it is on their minds. But if we don’t turn out this vote and turn it our huge, this man could end up winning again. This country would go backward. The divisiveness that this deplorable human being has caused, the confrontation, the dog-whistling to the right-wing, the white supremacists, the KKK, and they are coming alive. They are emboldened because they have a leader.” read more

43 Comments on Maxine Waters: Black Trump Voters Are ‘Shameful’ — ‘I Will Never Ever Forgive Them’

  1. According to the progressives’ beloved Wikipedia, there are only 3000-8000 members in the klan. So, we are expected to believe Trump will risk it all to retain their support? On what planet would that make sense?

  2. “It just hurts me so bad to see blacks talking about supporting Trump. I dont know why they would be doing it.” Maxine, I guess you dont know any blacks who WORK for a living, and can see what Trump has done for the economy & jobs. And a Border Wall that prevents illegals from undercutting those jobs.

  3. Mad Max: “…It just hurts me so bad to see Blacks talking about supporting Trump…”

    Truer words could not have been uttered. It hurts ME – ME, ME, ME, ME! It’s all about ME and my gravytrain, that profiting off the government tit allows me.

    F*ck off you parasitic low-life, we’re sick of being your host.

  4. While Maxie Pad is out chasing non-existent invisible white supremacists, klansmen, and neo nazis, the rest of the sane world was re-electing the greatest POTUS of all time Donald J Trump

    TRUMP 2020
    TRUMP 2024
    TRUMP 2028

  5. ” I don’t know why they would be doing it. ”

    In the old South, the plantation owners probably didn’t understand why the Blacks would ever want to leave the plantation either.

    But they did, and maybe they will again.

  6. The only Black Maxine has ever helped has been herself. She has a $6,000,000 home on the outskirts of her district. Her district looks like a hell hole.

    Same for the first Black President. He did nothing but hobnob with the elite Blacks from Hollywood and Rap.

    They are voting for Trump because he showed them that the only thing they had to lose by doing so was being treated like dummies by their Black overlords

  7. What’s wrong, Maxine you race-baiting old toad? All bummed out because their won’t be anymore affirmative action programs for you to graft from? Or is it because the ghost of James Brown visited you last night and wants his wig back?

  8. Your forgiveness is not required, just like anybody else on the planet. It’s a choice for yourself. I suppose if you must you can remain in deep bitterness at your choice. I’m ok if you don’t repent because of the misery you brought upon many people, you know the truth and your end is near. BTW Max, do you know how hot hell is this time of year?

  9. Maxine is basically repeating Joe’s infamous racist statement – c’mon man, I tell you what. If you have a hard time figuring out whether to vote for me or Trump. You ain’t black.

    Which some pundits are saying Joe is right, He just shouldn’t have said it publicly.

    I knew it wouldn’t take long before Maxine redoubled her efforts to reclaim the dumbest female lawmaker award from AOC. I’m sure Mazie will be along shortly with her newest effort, too.


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