Maxine Waters Bursts Into Tears, Uses ‘The Children’ As An Excuse For Harassment Comments – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Bursts Into Tears, Uses ‘The Children’ As An Excuse For Harassment Comments

DAILY CALLER:California Rep. Maxine Waters burst into tears Monday on MSNBC as she used “the children” to deflect away from the harassment comments she made over the weekend.

“I did not call for harm for anybody. The president lied again,” Waters said.

She then turned to “the children.”

“But let’s not talk about that. Let’s focus on the children. That’s what this is all about. It is about the fact that children have been snatched from their parents’ arms,” Waters said, moving away from the controversy over her comments.  MORE

23 Comments on Maxine Waters Bursts Into Tears, Uses ‘The Children’ As An Excuse For Harassment Comments

  1. This is rich! So she’s now crying over little Mexican kids, aren’t most of her constituents black? Black people really don’t like Mexicans, how will this play out for her?

    What about all the aborted black babies and little black kids getting shot by black thugs?

  2. If Max was Pinocchio her nose would be 50 feet long by now.
    Waters is not going to talk or brazen her way out of this one. She said it now own up to it.

  3. The president lied, eh. So, Trump put on his fleshy, saggy, dark rubber Maxine costume and using his best low IQ ebonics voice called for mob violence against his own cabinet members. I get it now.

  4. Remember – this is the woman who left her multimillion dollar mansion to go into her district and congratulate the thugs who bashed Reginald Denny in the head with bricks.

    That clip and her praise of them should be shown whenever her name is mentioned.

  5. Liiiiiiii-Arrrrrrrr!!!! Phoooooooo-neeeeeeeee!!!!! This poor excuse for a female James Brown look-alike is beyond psychotic. Anonymous is right – she is a perfect study for psych classes. And Old Oaks is right about her blubering over Hispanic kids while her constituents are black. Have you ever seen photos of her Congressional district?? Talking about a “shithole”!!! She doesn’t give a rat’s as about her people and she DOESN’T even live in that district!! HOW does she get away with that?!?!?

  6. Maxi has become the face of the unhinged left democrat party and the more air time she gets the more we’re helped.
    Thanks Maxi, you’re almost as effective as Trump to get us new voters.

  7. To say out loud what should happen to this sow would make one sound like a hateful sadist.
    So I won’t say it. But anyone who still supports this traitor, after all she’s done that is on the public record, IS AS CRIMINAL AS SHE IS.

  8. Racism-children-racism-children-women-racism-children-LGBTQLSMFT-racism on and on and on.

    Never their fault. It’s those conservative Nazis who hate.

    End of story.

  9. Maxi uses “the children” conversation-stopper not only because she’s too stupid to know how to argue logically, but also because subconsciously she identifies with them. Emotionally, she herself has never gotten past the Terrible Twos stage.

  10. Stick with it, Mad Max – never apologize, never explain.
    No one lied about your shenanigans.
    You called for violence and mob aktion against Americans, and you meant it.

    I, for one, find it kind of refreshing for a rancid Nazi to act, overtly, rancidly Nazi-ish. Fuck all that Krypto-Nazi bullshit (like Obola) get it out into the open and keep it in the open.
    Be proud of your heritage – both the African and the ideological.

    Stalin was never ashamed of the Gulag.
    Hitler was never ashamed of the KZ system.
    Why should you pretend to be ashamed of your hatred and contempt of America?

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Since most of Maxipad’s support comes from black people, it justifies my inclination that black people as a group are hopelessly stupid dead weight that should be jettisoned.
    If they wish to be represented by this yapping chump, this obviously criminal parasite then throw them into a black hole and call me Rayciss!

    Is today’s Congress no better than the Jerry Springer Show?!

  12. PAGE O
    You neglected to mention the “big” who lead the praise of the “activists” “Mad Max” praised. The “Dirty Cop” Mayor Tom! Had Tome not led the praise of the “activists” I feel confident “Mad Max” would have kept her mouth shut! He was the leader; she merely a follower!


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