Maxine Waters is so stupid, she needs twice as much sense to be a half-wit – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters is so stupid, she needs twice as much sense to be a half-wit

Breitbart: On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) predicted if President Donald Trump were not removed from office in his Senate impeachment trial, he would invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to the White House.

On her early calls for impeachment, Waters said, “When I came to those conclusions early and starting the discussion, I wanted to sound the alarm that we better pay attention. And finally, it came to that, and I really knew that it would because of his character that he would not stop. And if he’s exonerated by the Senate when they do the trial, he’s going to get even worse. And I tell you, and I will predict he’s going to bring Putin into the White House for a meeting.” more

24 Comments on Maxine Waters is so stupid, she needs twice as much sense to be a half-wit

  1. I see nothing wrong with Putin visiting the US and meeting with Trump. I don’t know if a White House visit is a good idea or not, but other heads of state have been guests in the WH. Ho-wood pervs have defiled the Lincoln bedroom by sleeping there, and I have a lot more respect for Putin that I do for Ho-wood whores.

  2. Don’t worry, Maxine, you’ll get your wish: The senate will not exonerate him. In order to exonerate him, they would have to prove he did something wrong first. You can’t be absolved from wrongdoing without first being convicted of it.

  3. Wouldn’t you all pay money to see her sit for a Sunday morning news show like Meet the Press and have all the regulars replaced by real reporters and the first question they ask is
    Moderator: “Thanks for coming Congresswoman. Now take us back to the financial crisis of 2008 where you arranged an arguably illegal backdoor loan for your husbands bank using your influence as a long serving member of congress? Also, if you wouldn’t mind how is it you haven’t lived in the district you represent for years in a house you clearly can’t afford on both you and your husbands stated income?
    Waters: Hommina hommina hommina hommina…. strokes out.


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