Maxine Waters, racial insurrectionist – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters, racial insurrectionist

Michelle Malkin\BPR:

What a sick joke. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, one of the loudest mouths leading the impeachment circus against former President Donald Trump over the events at the Capitol on Jan. 6, is a brazen racial insurrectionist. The sixteen-term Democrat from South Central Los Angeles has been pouring verbal gasoline and tossing rhetorical Molotov cocktails into the public square since the 1992 L.A. riots.

Now she’s the arbiter of civility and keeper of social order? LOL.

Waters blasted Trump for telling his supporters on Jan. 6 to “be tough” and “take back their government” — standard, peaceful stump speech fare. She blames our 45th president for the actions of a few who ignored his explicit call to remain “peaceful,” while denying that her own fighting words and direct embrace of riots have contributed to decades of violent incitement. Trump’s impeachment trial lawyers rightly allude to her instigation of mobs formed against administration officials at restaurants and public spaces. In their trial brief, Trump’s team contrasted the president’s anodyne encouragement for conservative activists to “fight like hell” for their country with Waters’ endorsement of physical harassment against Trump’s cabinet members:

“If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd,” Waters shrieked in 2018 at a rally in Los Angeles. “And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

That’s exactly what left-wing professional agitators, from Occupy ICE to antifa to Black Lives Matter to Smash Racism D.C. to the Sunrise Movement, have done over the past two years, targeting prominent Republicans and conservatives and their families on the streets and in their own homes.


15 Comments on Maxine Waters, racial insurrectionist

  1. The Grotesque James Brown 🤡 came on during PRESIDENT Trump’s lawyer’s video OFFENSE and my eldest Manderin goes, “NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR STUPID WIG!”


  2. Waters represents the people of her district and how they think and is highly effective for the side she is on.

    That’s why she has been elected and reelected so many times.

    How many on the Right side of the aisle are as effective for their side as Waters is for her side?

  3. So that albatross around Fox New’s neck, Chrissie Pissy Walace, called Trump’s lawyers the third string for exposing the hypocrisy on the left.
    If Foxnews has any integrity left, that asshole has to go.
    I do like the Greg Gutfeld promotion.
    I guess the bottom line matters there. Unlike at CNN.

  4. It’s interesting to note that the “anti-racism” party is so chock full of white hating racists.

    The CBC itself is an entirely racist organization. The irony and hypocrisy of these Caucasian hating racists having an official organization to spout their white hate would be amazing to any alien observing the sick Demonrat culture.

    Since the Demonrats set the rules, the definitions, and every official narrative its just peachy for idiotic retards like Mad Max to hate whites for their skin color but as a white person you dare not object to their racial animus.

    I would submit to you that there are far more black racists in our society than whites

    As an literal Red man I can state that I observed far more prejudice and lasing out from blacks than I ever experienced from whites.

  5. I wanted to say the only thing the people in the district she represents ever produced was her, but I realized that she doesn’t live in that district.
    She brings them fame and that’s all. How are people expected to improve their lives when they are eternally abused by representatives who are just using them? Very sad.

  6. Sixteen terms and what do you get, another day older and deeper in govt. debt. Tell St. Peter I can’t go because I owe my soul to the gubmint dole. With apologies to Tennessee Ernie Ford, this was one of my moms favorite songs when she had dementia because it helped to calm her down.

  7. ORESTIA is right! She owns a “home” there but lives in allow crime area. She would never live is such a high crime aras. Which was pointed out by the man she beat. I think I saw his Ad here.IOTW .

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