Maxine Waters Said WHAT? – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Said WHAT?

This Is Insane.

25 Comments on Maxine Waters Said WHAT?

  1. LOL, this is why we need to pass Bad_Brad bill OI812. You need to take an IQ test and score in the top 25% of the population to run for office or vote. Maxine Waters is so stupid she requires watering.

  2. TRF
    That’s really good. I may need your input on my next offering. Any Faggot no class Hollywood POS that disparage a dead conservative is required to face one of our conservatives, by our choosing, in the Octagon of Death. These assholes watch their own movies WAY to much. Let’s get real. First up, Ron Pearlman. I’m available.

  3. Didn’t Rush make fun of Ron Pearlman after either slick willie or barry became President and at the military flyover during the inauguration ceremony make a negative comment about it until someone told him that those were their planes now. Damn progtards hate God, America, Rush and everything about our miraculous founding as one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. We are indeed 2 nations now and I want the old America back and not the liberal hellhole the damned libs have made us out to be. What part of real American history don’t they understand (evidently all of it) or is it that bad that they are totally ignorant and brain dead so much that they hate everything good about our founding as a Judeo Christian nation. I hate the left.

  4. In “The Freshman”, Marlon Brando, as a godfather, complains to his stockbroker that he put him in stocks that lost money. He says “I don’t buy stocks that lose money! Understand?”.

  5. Maxine’s wig is too tight and obviously she doesn’t hire competent aides.
    I often wonder how she physically gets her mouth to have such an extreme frown. Have you ever seen anyone’s mouth turned down that much?


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