May Inflation Higher Than all Expectations at 8.6 Percent, Energy, Gasoline, Food Prices Continue Climbing – IOTW Report

May Inflation Higher Than all Expectations at 8.6 Percent, Energy, Gasoline, Food Prices Continue Climbing

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics has released the May inflation report showing a 1.0% increase in the month of May, bringing the rate of inflation to 8.6 percent.  The highest rate of inflation in over 40 years. more

11 Comments on May Inflation Higher Than all Expectations at 8.6 Percent, Energy, Gasoline, Food Prices Continue Climbing

  1. By who? I don’t know anyone who didn’t expect worse. My inclination is it is worse, when was the last time you could believe a damn thing that came out of any Government Agency?

  2. 8.6% is for the MONTH of May.
    The cumulative is greater than 100% for some things, less for others.

    “Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.”
    (dead white dude)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I think these Marxist Morons started an Indiana Jones sized ball rolling that they have no control over… and odds are it’s not going to stop untill we reach Venevuela!


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