May we quote you, Msxz. Harris? – IOTW Report

May we quote you, Msxz. Harris?

Kamala Harris Goes Full Buttigieg with Gibberish During Interview.

CTH: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg holds the modern record for circle talking gibberish and concentric word assemblies to nothingness.  No one can defeat him in linguistic battles using random words.  However, that said, Kamala Harris appears to be training herself to challenge him.

During an interview with NBC Today, Kamala Harris used a disconnected pattern of random words to fill space where conversation would normally exist.  One example:  When asked if it is time for the Biden team to consider a new COVID strategy, Kamala Harris responded: more

38 Comments on May we quote you, Msxz. Harris?

  1. For someone who is the first woman blah blah blah, she sure looks monochromatic.
    It’s like she has just one fucking outfit.
    You would think she may have some fashion sense and mix it up sometime?
    Hell, some women won’t wear the same thing twice.

    I guess that’s what we should expect from a cackling dipshit.

  2. KAM-a-la hasn’t led anything whatsoever during this administration. She has been named as leading or involved in many things, but I haven’t seen proof of her doing a single thing – or understanding anything that is going on, ever.
    Prove me wrong.

  3. We are in the best of hands..

    A senile imbecile and a simple minded child.

    My predictions for 2022.

    Massive shortage of consumer goods.

    Massive increase in consumer prices to at least 15% inflation minimum.

    Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    China will invade Taiwan.

    NK will invade SK.

    Iran will conduct a massive terrorist attack that will be focused on children

    All 4 will attack simultaneously.

    Buckle up buttercups, shit is about to get frosty.

  4. Cisco Kid
    JANUARY 15, 2022 AT 10:14 AM

    …you left out “mass arrests of ‘seditionist’ and midnight gun-grabs in THIS country, but other than that, everything else is very likely…

  5. Don’t ask what the government can do for covid but what covid can do for we the peoples. After all Kum-all-a is in it for we the peoples.

    She learned it by practicing kwanza!

  6. “It is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day”

    That’s what a prostitute, drug addict, a drunk, a homeless person, and politicians say to themselves every day of their existence.

  7. Cuminla plays the role of Token VP as directed. When she asked Hitlery for tips on how to be liked you knew it was over. At this point I no longer am concerned if she gets promoted to preezy. It’s all going to burn down and it will take the Democrat party with it. (The Silver Lining)

    Stolen Elections Have Consequences.

  8. There is a word that perfectly describes this, deepity;

    “A deepity is a statement that sounds deep and profound, but is actually trivial or meaningless. The term was coined by American philosopher Daniel Dennett, actually it was coined by the teenage daughter of one of his colleagues. “A deepity is an apparently profound observation that is ambiguous.

  9. SNS,

    Yes, the rest of IOTW can fill in the blanks for 2022, but I would agree that false flag operations will be conducted by the FBI to justify mass arrest of patriots with the requisite gun confiscation.

    My only reason for hope is the midterms red tsunami, however the globalists will ignite some crisis to delay or prevent them. Multiple front warfare will be used as a likely excuse.

  10. Stop2think
    JANUARY 15, 2022 AT 10:45 AM
    “Her thang must be so special it plays harmonica…”

    …ok, gotta admit, I’ve never seen THAT expression before…part of me kinda wants to see that, but most of me really DOESN’T, but kudos for the rather vivid expression…

  11. Which “thang” are we talking about here? The sucking, cream-filled, cackle spout, or, the woo hoo ha-ha dire straights of cape disappointment (which could also be her brain)?

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