Maybe if we called those emails “Tamales” – IOTW Report

Maybe if we called those emails “Tamales”

PatriotRetort: The D/FW local CBS affiliate had a story yesterday about a woman in Carrollton, Texas in legal hot water for selling tamales to her neighbors.

Dennise Cruz was stunned when she received a “warrant arrest notice” in the mail from the city for selling “potentially hazardous food.”

Yes, corn and beef are very hazardous. Right up there with plutonium.

Thank heaven they got that criminal mastermind off the streets!

You see, the Carrollton Environmental Service takes food borne illness very seriously.

Did somebody get sick from Cruz’s tamales?


But still! Just think of what could have happened!!!  MORE

20 Comments on Maybe if we called those emails “Tamales”

  1. If everybody sold stuff without the sanction of the state, there’d be unbridled capitalism! Oh, the humanity! The state must tax every tamale, every breath of air, every thought! Imagine the chaos of thousands, nay … millions, of ordinary people acting in their own best interests!

    It wobbles the mind!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. There’s an old Sicilian saying that is applicable here: “The law only catches the small fish” (or is that something Sir Edmund muttered to Chris Wallace last week?)

  3. Tim; I probably “like” more of your posts here than others, we tend to think alike I guess. Brad, Yonkers, Al and others also hit it out of the park regularly.
    The nannies in charge want to make criminals out of everybody so they pass laws and regulations about everything. The other day the calif legislature went thru 500 bills, yea or nay in a matter of minutes. They’d already been decided by the lobbyist who wrote them.
    If everybody is a criminal we can all be controlled 24/7 and we are. When do we say enough?

  4. So…just what counties/regions of Texas
    are *still* that sort of Lone Star
    independent in citizens and local government?

    My intuition tells me, if the S really HTF,
    the smart move would be to the
    Great American Redoubt
    (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, East Oregon).

  5. peeode and furious,

    ” The other day the calif legislature went thru 500 bills, yea or nay in a matter of minutes. They’d already been decided by the lobbyist who wrote them.”

    I hope you’ve been watching this one.

    First they try and take our guns away, and now an attack on religion. I’m not sure who these ass holes think they are.

  6. Carrollton, TX is a two-bit truckstop north of Dallas city limits, who are dying for cash, no matter what the source. Hence they will tax, write tickets, cite code violations, and otherwise nickle and dime the inhabitants to hell….many have left this armpit stop and many more will leave…I would NEVER live in Carrollton, TX….there are cesspools of this type throughout all major urban areas, across all the states…no one is immune. TX is overall still far ahead of the Rust belt states, and most on the Left Coast… speaking as a Dallasite…

  7. TO Bad Brad

    Oh, I *know* about Oregon…it’s just I read (and was surprised to find out) that that Rawles guy (who coined the term for the area) included that part of the state in his “definition” of the area.

  8. @Brad – several of my parents’ friends moved to Prescott and have enjoyed it for 20-30 years, higher altitude means temperatures aren’t bad and nice surroundings.
    I’m still sticking with the beach though, I’m a 10-minute walk from swimming in the ocean, although it means putting up with CA and Santa Monica politics.

  9. LCD,
    There’s things about California that are tough to replace. I’m a Bass Fisherman and there’s no water like the California Delta. But, at the rate they’re going the politicians will screw that up too.

    On another note, check this out. Have any and all Pro 2A people you know sign these petitions. It’s a long shot and they didn’t give us much time. You can’t sign them on line you need to visit the nearest location and this link will find that for you. It would be so nice to tell these ass holes to shove their gun laws up their ass.

  10. I love tamales, and I have to say the only really good ones come from friends and neighbors. I used to get them from a guy I worked with, and I was only too happy to pay for them as they are quite labor intensive.

  11. @peeode and furious:

    I am too! And thanks for the nice compliment!

    These bozos in Texas (of all places!) really need to get a grip. This is like picking on children selling lemonade from card tables on the sidewalk. Who will they go after next? Teenaged boys who shovel snow and cut grass? Teenaged girls who babysit?

  12. We have these tamale sales people in almost every parking lot here.
    I would rate buying a tamale from an illegal out of a car trunk as about the same as buying a sandwich from a vending machine in a truck stop restroom.
    Maybe food poisoning can cure stupid and these people are trying to save the human race.

  13. organgrinder, that was racially insensitive of you.
    The Orientals eat cats, dog meat is preferred for a tamale or taco though rat is substituted if dogs are scarce.
    I grew up on the Mexican border and it is a high insult to accuse them of putting cat meat in the food.

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