Maybe she likes being first lady too much – IOTW Report

Maybe she likes being first lady too much

American Thinker

It’s nice to see that I am not the only one in the country who is talking about First Lady Jill Biden and elder abuse.  It’s hard for me to see the president of the U.S., and that’s what he is, without wondering what his wife must think about all this.  Then I found this post by Stephen Kruiser:

During the campaign, I kept mentioning that Biden must not have anyone who really loves him. I was mostly talking about his wife, of course. The United States is being subjected to this misery because Jill Biden is power-hungry and wasn’t in a position to grab any herself. She doesn’t care how history remembers her husband’s presidency.

She has no qualms whatsoever about seeing her husband humiliate himself in public as he did when his old buddy Barack came back to the White House and left him wandering around looking for a friend.


18 Comments on Maybe she likes being first lady too much

  1. Dr. J is the WORST lady.
    She doesn’t want to lose the gravy train she’s been on since she hooked up with Brandon.
    And she is not satisfied yet. She wants the Mike Obama treatment, sexiest, most glamorous, stylish, smartest FLOTUS evah!!!
    Not gonna happen.



  3. I’ve been saying this was elder abuse on DOCTOR Jill’s part since Joe’s first campaign fiascos. Long before they maneuvered his nomination. She is a disgusting hag.

  4. ” It’s hard for me to see the president of the U.S., and that’s what he is, ”

    It’s hard for me to read stuff written by psychopaths, and that’s what you are.

  5. Fuck him.

    He was pure Garbage well before he shit his brain out into his pants.

    Jimmy Carter had 4 decades for his presidency to fade into a distant memory. This turnip will not be sentient in 5 years at the rate he is slipping. Looks good on them.

  6. She’s not first, she’s no lady, and she’s DEFINITELY not actually First Lady.

    But she IS a “Lady” in one sense.

    Lady Macbeth.

    Another person who didn’t mind pushing her husband to treason for no other reason than to improve her OWN station…

    “The raven himself is hoarse
    That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan
    Under my battlements. Come, you spirits
    That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
    And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
    Of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood.
    Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse,
    That no compunctious visitings of nature
    Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
    Th’ effect and it. Come to my woman’s breasts
    And take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers,
    Wherever in your sightless substances
    You wait on nature’s mischief. Come, thick night,
    And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,
    That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,
    Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark
    To cry “Hold, hold!”

    Enter Macbeth.

    Great Glamis, worthy Cawdor,
    Greater than both by the all-hail hereafter!
    Thy letters have transported me beyond
    This ignorant present, and I feel now
    The future in the instant.
    MACBETH My dearest love,
    Duncan comes here tonight.
    LADY MACBETH And when goes hence?
    Tomorrow, as he purposes.
    LADY MACBETH O, never
    Shall sun that morrow see!
    Your face, my thane, is as a book where men
    May read strange matters. To beguile the time,
    Look like the time. Bear welcome in your eye,
    Your hand, your tongue. Look like th’ innocent
    But be the serpent under ’t. He that’s coming
    Must be provided for; and you shall put
    This night’s great business into my dispatch,
    Which shall to all our nights and days to come
    Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.
    We will speak further.
    LADY MACBETH Only look up clear.
    To alter favor ever is to fear.
    Leave all the rest to me.”

    Shakespeare, “Macbeth” Act 1, scene 5

    …let’s hope she ENDS like Lady Macbeth too, and that right soon…

    “I am a worthless human being. Wait!

    No longer can I call myself a queen.

    That was a lie. I am no human now.

    Oh I cannot permit myself to live!

    Oh no! Of course not! But I search for light.

    Lady Macbeth admires the taper.

    To the taper. Thou little taper, sweetness to my life.

    But I could never take enough of thee.

    What are you doing here my tiny light?

    Thy forceful power overwhelms my soul.

    Lady Macbeth throws the taper forcefully into the fireplace.

    Bright sun! Conceal, protect this monster now!

    Oh nothing can redeem my evil deeds.

    The guilt hath spread: a wild, burning fire.

    Oh woe is me! Oh fie! Oh fie! Oh fie!

    I know what I must do – my duty now.

    Lady Macbeth approaches the fire.

    What would my servants think finding me dead?

    All people hate malicious Queen Macbeth:

    In Glamis, Britain, Fife, they will rejoice!

    The fire burns so cruelly, it invites

    me into raging, blazing, violent death!

    Lady Macbeth places her hand into the fire.

    Thou damnèd world, thou givst no other choice!

    Lady Macbeth steps into the fire and lets out a piercing cry.

    Oh light! Please take me! I deserve to die!

    Now take me light! Now cover my darkness!

    Oh woe is me! Oh fie! My life! My life!

    Lady Macbeth dies.”
    Shakespeare, “Macbeth”, Act 5, Scene 5

  7. Actually, maybe it’s time for a little pay-back on her part for all of Joe’s creepy pedo perviness when she was still just his teenage babysitter. Wouldn’t be the first time a victim has gained the upper-hand on their abuser.

  8. Joe and Jill Biden are huge racists. They could not let it stand, them being the second fiddle to the first black president.That’s what is keeping Joe from retiring and Jill complaining about Kamala.

  9. I’ve posted here in the past of my girlfriend at the time who’s bestie, fresh out of high school, was “Office Manager” for an Olympia politician and the parties I attended. I’ll tell you straight up, that creepy bitch Biden’s married to is not all that rare when it comes to politicians’ spouses. They are gawd awful when it comes to the shit they pull.

  10. She’s as big of a turd as the one in Joe’s pants. Hates Kamala Harris, but will put up with her to get to play First Lady. Proof that Joe isn’t calling the shots. If he was, he probably would have picked someone else.

  11. Thank you for the Shakespeare. Toxic feminity, only held in check by the masculine, of which Joe has not enough. He is an enthusiastic participant in his own abuse. The adder struck the viper these years ago, and the viper believed, to his eternal discredit. She has owned him and owns him still. Her middle class pretension didn’t reach to talent, only position, and now leads her into the farce we all, thanks to fraud of massive proportion, must endure.

  12. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks Jill doesn’t care anything about her husband; she just wanted the White House.

    You know all that talk about them not actually living in the White House? The fake oval office that Biden speaks from and all. Yeah, wouldn’t that be a rich irony?


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