Maybe States Should Revisit Subsidies to NFL & NBA Teams – IOTW Report

Maybe States Should Revisit Subsidies to NFL & NBA Teams

DMF: It was only a matter of time before the NFL going political would ensure blowback, and the league office should have damn well recognized that. The NFL has major exposure to its business model in the event Congress ever revisits its antitrust exemption, and the league makes millions, if not billions, thanks to tax breaks and sweetheart deals from state and local governments on publicly-funded facilities it enjoys.

When it allows its idiot twenty-something players, freshly marinated from social justice warrior academies disguised as sociology, criminal justice, African-American Studies and other pseudo-academic departments at major colleges, to bring political activism to sidelines of games the NFL is no longer entertainment for everyone. It is now contributing to the cultural divide rather than helping to heal it.

Louisiana State Representative Kenny Havard (R-St. Francisville), who chairs the House Transportation Committee, is now calling for a rethinking of the state’s subsidy money going to the Saints & Pelicans Sports Franchises.  more here

20 Comments on Maybe States Should Revisit Subsidies to NFL & NBA Teams

  1. Hummm, looks like the crowd is giving the thumbs down to the gladiators.
    Funny thing, it’s the crowd holding the sword now.
    I don’t think Caesar will save him, Caesar is pissed off.
    He is mad at the players and the owners, a bad position to plead for your life from.

  2. The NFL makes a lotta damn money, why is it designated non profit status and pays no taxes?
    Why are taxpayer funds used to supplement the millionaire/billionaire owners?
    doesn’t sound right to me.
    Actions have consequences Goodell.

  3. End providing police for security. End flyovers.

    The FBI just released their stats on murders for 2016.

    They are protesting a bullshit, imagined problem that doesn’t exist and as such can’t be solved.

    Their is no exit strategy from this cycle because there is no goal that can be achieved.

  4. “They are protesting a bullshit, imagined problem that doesn’t exist and as such can’t be solved.

    Their is no exit strategy from this cycle because there is no goal that can be achieved.”

    But enough about Robert Mueller.

  5. The silent enablers

    Visa, Ford, GMC, Toyota, Nike, Anheuser-Busch InBev, MillerCoors, Microsoft, Campbell Soup, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, Bridgestone, Verizon, AT&T are among the league’s top-tier partners and almost all have remained silent on what was possibly the most political and polarizing actions of the NFL.

  6. now more than ever, I am so glad I’m a cable cutter so that these anti-American overpaid fucktards can’t get my money.

    I saw a picture on the front page, above the fold, of my local New Orleans paper yesterday. It showed at least a dozen Saints players kneeling during the Natl Anthem. Tom Benson, his rapacious wife, Mickey Loomis and sean payton can go fuck themselves for allowing this kind of crap to go on.

    “Fire The Sonsofbitches!” Once again, Prez Trump has his finger on the pulse of the nation and he knows damn well what the vast majority of Americans want – an immediate halt to all the divisiveness in our country.

  7. Little people getting screwed by the monopolists. Cant afford to go see a professional sports game but they pick the little guys pocket clean and now openly laugh at you.

  8. The military should pull its advertising with the NFL. Mayors should reconsider providing security for games. People should boycott and put pressure on sponsors and advertisers.

    Best to stick a fork in this now before it bleeds into other sports.

  9. Back when the Houston Oilers came to Nashville, to become the Titans, the city agreed that if any game was not a sellout, they (the city) would buy all unsold seats. In addition, the owner of the team got all proceeds from concession sales. Not profits, proceeds. I can’t imagine this wasn’t modeled on standard practices for other teams. What a bloody racket.

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