Maybe they’ll keep him – IOTW Report

Maybe they’ll keep him

calypso louie

PatriotRetort: The Washington Free Beacon just reported that Nation of Islam kook Louis Eugene Wolcott (AKA Calypso Louie Farrakhan) will be traveling to Iran to speak at a rally marking the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

Well, goodie.

If we’re really lucky, maybe they’ll keep him.


15 Comments on Maybe they’ll keep him

  1. “Oh how I wish they would throw him in prison as a spy.”

    Actually, maybe that’s the plan. Iran will pretend to imprison and hold him for ransom so that Obama can send them another several million of our money.

  2. Another greasy negro who gets a pass on NOT paying taxes.
    Not that ‘negro’ really has anything to do with it – except if he wasn’t a negro, just a radical deviant white preacher, he’d have been in jail decades ago.

    Like another greasy negro preacher … what’s his name? Al … Al Gore? … no … Al Roker? … no … Al … something or the other … like that other one … Jesse? and … Jeremiah?

    Whassup wi dat?

  3. “So, my brother Farrakhan, how did it go in Iran?”

    “It went quite well, my brother Barack. They even gave me this elegant laptop at the airpo—”

    “Brother Louie? Hello? Louie! What the…allahuakbarallahuakbarallahuakbar get that dog outta here and get me Khamenei on the hotline allahuakbarallahuakbar!!!”

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