Maybe We Need Dick Cavett – IOTW Report

Maybe We Need Dick Cavett

 By (Mr.B)

“If anything, the fact that we’re a country that elected a man to the presidency why, by right, should have been in striped pajamas if Gerald Ford hadn’t pardoned him, is kind of shameful for everybody.”

Read full article: Maybe We Need Dick Cavett (Mr.B)

1 Comment on Maybe We Need Dick Cavett

  1. In this day and age, we have HUNDREDS of Dick Cavetts.

    As is Dinesh D’Souza, who is quite possibly going to jail for his “highlighting” of Obama’s – ahem – shortcomings.

    Obama’s thuggishness and criminality puts Nixon’s to shame.

    As much as I’d like to hope that impeachment/removal or lawsuits might happen soon, (metaphorical) death by a thousand paper cuts may be the only way to stop such behavior.

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