Mayor Adams: NYC Migrant Crisis Has ‘Nothing to Do with Sanctuary Cities’ – IOTW Report

Mayor Adams: NYC Migrant Crisis Has ‘Nothing to Do with Sanctuary Cities’

Slay News-
Democrat Mayor Eric Adams has argued that New York City’s migrant crisis has got “nothing to do with” his “sanctuary city” policies.

Adams has come under pressure from critics who blame his pro-illegal immigration policies for the crisis.

GOP governors like Texas Gov. Greg Abbott have sent buses of asylum seekers to Democrat-controlled states and so-called “sanctuary cities.” more

16 Comments on Mayor Adams: NYC Migrant Crisis Has ‘Nothing to Do with Sanctuary Cities’

  1. No, it has EVERYTHING to do with the TREASONOUS policies of Biden and his puppetmasters in throwing the border wide open and ENCOURAGING illegal crossings by this army of invaders.

  2. How did this fool become mayor of that septic tank?
    Biggest floater in the tank?
    Constituency dumber than he?

    I’ll type slowly, Mr. Mayor – a “Sanctuary City” is a city which offers “sanctuary” (no consequences for invading the US, get out of jail, “free” shit, rape, loot, and murder with impunity, drive, get “free” lodging at taxpayers’ expense, displace American Veterans, “free” phones, “free” medical care, “free” sex change, “free” welfare, &c.) to illegal-alien invaders.
    See how that works?
    That’s what you imposed on your benighted city – that’s what you got.

    So, eat shit and like it – or Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die!
    Pick one!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Well this proves criminals are smarter than hizzoner: Try to sneak into a city where the law is enforced or go to a sanctuary city where the government doesn’t care and gives out tons of free shit. Hmmmm. Sanctuary city it is.

  4. I find the diversionary tactic of blaming Governor Abbott for bussing a few loads to these “sactuary” cities annoying. The federal governmemt is bussing and flying more illegals into the various “sanctuaries” than one state.

    I guess the commies can’t yell “Orange Man BAD!” just yet.

    If I recall, no person or state gets to make its own foreign policy, and immigration is a foreign policy function, so shouldn’t the FBLies and Custom Borders People [sic] be arresting the various city, county and state officials for violating the law? That of course presupposes that the feds® actually want to do their job…

  5. We been telling these idiot slickers who vote the worst possible candidates into office how the cow ate the cabbage, but they just had to find out for themselves before it sunk in.

  6. Whoever came up with this idea of “forwarding” illegals to sanctuary cities is a genius. I doubt it was Abbot since he’s a politician but KUDOS !!! to whoever it was.


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