Mayor Adams: Quality of life in NYC will continue to decline because of illegal aliens – IOTW Report

Mayor Adams: Quality of life in NYC will continue to decline because of illegal aliens

18 Comments on Mayor Adams: Quality of life in NYC will continue to decline because of illegal aliens

  1. Brad
    “standing on your lawn with a metal hoop”
    I had a chance to buy a pair, repainted to white guys.
    It was a no win situation.

    Mayor Adams, just wait until they start killing/assaulting your citizens. Remember you are responsible.

  2. I’ve wanted an Obola Lawn Jockey for 15 years, or so.
    I just don’t have the skills and knowledge to make one.
    A nice resin would probably be better than plaster/concrete.

    A muhammud Lawn Jockey would be great, too.
    One on each side of my driveway.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I don’t think we need to write “ni99er” in any of these posts.
    The word conveys nothing and is a trigger that need not be pulled.
    Please refrain.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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