Mayor Bill de Blasio tells New Yorkers to take photos of anyone not social distancing and report them to police – IOTW Report

Mayor Bill de Blasio tells New Yorkers to take photos of anyone not social distancing and report them to police

Blaze: Mayor de Blasio boasted it is “easier than ever” to snitch on others.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is encouraging people to snitch on anyone who isn’t abiding by social distancing guidelines and report them to the police.

The Democratic mayor advised New Yorkers to take photos of anyone who was not keeping a distance of six feet away from others or any businesses that were violating the social distancing rules.

Mayor de Blasio released a video on Saturday that provided instructions on how people could tattle on their fellow New Yorkers.

“We still know there’s some people who need to get the message,” de Blasio said in the video posted on Twitter. “And that means sometimes making sure the enforcement is there to educate people and make clear we’ve got to have social distancing.”

Mayor de Blasio boasted it is “easier than ever” to rat out others. more

34 Comments on Mayor Bill de Blasio tells New Yorkers to take photos of anyone not social distancing and report them to police

  1. So…people in New York are living like rats stacked on top of each other in the exercise of their free choice. And they deride the folks in “fly-over country”. People choose which problems they want to have. Zero fucks given.

  2. How…unsurprising. I think the mayor needs to “…get the message;” not that the slaves that populate NYC will ever get up on their hind legs and teach it to him.

  3. OK, I’ll be the one to come right out and say it. I hope Bill grabs an ungrounded and shorted-to-120VAC MSM microphone, can’t let go, and dies on live TV twitching and smoking next to his lectern.

    Edit: Purely accidentally, of course.

  4. capt. Leroy
    APRIL 20, 2020 AT 10:00 AM
    “Oh I like that uncle Al, but couldn’t we go 220V or 440V and watch him smolder like a vampire in the sunlight?”

    …it would be ruled a COVID death, and therefore grounds to impeach Trump…


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