Mayor Cheat: Nevada Democrats Tap Buttigieg Staffer to Lead Voter Protection Effort – IOTW Report

Mayor Cheat: Nevada Democrats Tap Buttigieg Staffer to Lead Voter Protection Effort

Complicating matters is that the Nevada Democratic Party also contracted Shadow Inc. to develop a reporting app for its caucuses.


The Nevada Democratic Party has reportedly hired a former Pete Buttigieg staffer to lead its voter protection efforts, increasing fears that party leaders are trying to rig the nomination in favor of the ex-mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

On Sunday, it emerged that Nevada Democrats had hired Emily Goldman to be their director of voter protection. Goldman, who has a law degree from the University of Michigan, was most recently a top organizer for the Buttigieg campaign in Iowa. Little is known about the parameters of her new position, especially as the Nevada state party had not announced the hire publicly and has yet to include Goldman’s biography and title on their website. Goldman, herself, added to the mystery by locking her professional and private social media accounts after news of the hiring first broke.

The revelations about Goldman’s newfound role comes as progressive backing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are worried the Democrat establishment is trying to rig the nominating contest in favor of a moderate, pro-business candidate.

The suspicion stems from the 2016 Democratic primaries, where leaders of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) reportedly went to great length to assure former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won the nomination over Sanders. Anti-Sanders bias among DNC leaders was best exhibited during that primary campaign by Donna Brazile. Despite being a high-ranking DNC official at the time, Brazile was infamously caught feeding questions to Clinton prior to a CNN Democrat town hall between the candidates in March 2016. read more

12 Comments on Mayor Cheat: Nevada Democrats Tap Buttigieg Staffer to Lead Voter Protection Effort

  1. The backroom dealers whom persuaded america to vote for a under qualified African American(?) candidate by guilting them into thinking that their vote would show we weren’t racist are now trying to guilt Americans into voting for another under qualified candidate to prove they are not homophobic.

  2. Buttigeig is Obama’s butt boy.

    His father was a marxist. He’s a marxist. He earned his the brown chevrons of his “veteran” status from Obama’s push to promote gays in the military.

    Obama wants Booty to make his case before he endorses him.

  3. Bernie, who couldn’t muster the minute “leadership” skills required to lead the Compost Committee at a penny ante commune in backwoods Vermont, has ZERO interest in being the leader of the free world, and even less than ZERO skills required to do so.
    Bernie and Jane are busy setting up offshore accounts to squirrel away the billion dollar payola coming their way via Bloomberg for throwing the race.

  4. …the whole reason the app failed was because it was designed FOR Democrats, BY Democrats, to automatically cheat in the GENERAL election.

    the algorithm was set to look for the ASCII character “D” (44H), after the (char string[] = “PresCandName”;) field, and automatically add a trunkful of votes to any that had that singifier.

    Unfortunately, this was improperly used for a Dem intramural contest, so without an adequately programmed decision point between them, it simply attempted to add votes to ALL of the candidates equally, causing a complete breakdown in the Cheat_O_Matron sub because it recognized that the results were still intelligible and did not sufficiently distance one candidate from another (which they recognized as a problem in the 2016 elections when they did not cheat sufficiently for a candidate as bad as Hillary), and therefore its emergency protocol was activated where it would withhold and distort results long enough for Democrats to take a recount to a friendly court and have the results determined by judicial fiat, something about an “insurance policy” in the comments.

    Again, the design was for a GENERAL, and it would have WORKED there. But because of the poor management that is a hallmark of Democrat leadership, this was never passed to the coders, but it would not have mattered anyway as the programmers were all Affirmative Action hires, many of whom were Muslim and only REALLY interested in destroying the system so Shari’a could take over, so as a result the (Soros_Decider) routine was never added to the compiler, so the system failsafed until someone could call Mr. Soros personally to ask him who he wanted to “win”.

    ..and it took a minute for the Democrats to find someone who would risk the wrath of Soros by admitting there was an issue, particularly among the Soy Democrat “Males” and women masquerading as males that run their party now.

    …no worries, it will still work PERFECTLY in the General, because after “Michelle” is “Drafted”, there will only be ONE (D) on the Presidential card, and so it will not have any conflict as to which name gets the increase…×225.jpg

  5. This is going to be interesting to watch. The SEIU is not going to support a candidate who wants to take away all those gold-plated medical benefits they fought so hard for.

  6. The mystifying part is the idea that any normal person with half a brain would want to vote for bootipeg over trump…

    When compared I feel that even people who don’t particularly like trump will be like, “oh no wait, this booty guy was JUST a mayor and he pretty much ruined south bend??? Ouch.”

    Democrats don’t understand that identity politics and sexual orientation only get you so far.


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