Mayor of Baltimore Resigns – IOTW Report

Mayor of Baltimore Resigns

FOX: Baltimore mayor resigns amid FBI, state investigations into ‘Healthy Holly’ book.

Baltimore’s embattled Mayor Catherine Pugh resigned Thursday amid state and federal investigations into whether she used bulk sales of her self-published children’s book “Healthy Holly” to disguise kickbacks.

The announcement, effective immediately, ends weeks of uncertainty surrounding the first-term Democrat.

“Sorry for the harm that I have caused to the image of the city of Baltimore and to the credibility of the office of the mayor,” Pugh’s attorney Steven Silverman read in a statement from her. “Baltimore deserves a mayor who can move our great city forward.”

Calls for Pugh to resign had intensified in the past few days. Instead of making a decision, though, Pugh stayed holed up inside her three-story home for nearly a month. Her lawyers said she was too fragile to make a decision but residents and members of her own party grew weary of her open-ended retreat and demanded she either step up or step aside.  more here

16 Comments on Mayor of Baltimore Resigns

  1. “Sorry for the harm that I have caused to the image of the city of Baltimore and to the credibility of the office of the mayor,”

    “Now that there is funny. I don’t care who you are.” (Larry The Cable Guy)

  2. No harm, no foul. For some reason today resigning from government positions seems to quash criminal prosecution. Wanna’ bet that will be the case this time too?

  3. Why do black demoratz not learn
    from the white demoratz on how
    to properly commit fraud that nets
    ALOT of $$$ & is hard to get caught…

  4. HolyShit, you’d think going through life and being a liberal would be torture enough but NOOOOOOO, a liberal has to push the envelope, hoping to gain monetarily, hoping to gain politically, to gain personal status….or all the above.

    And when the SHIT hits the fan…..they hope to bow out gracefully and avoid persecution for their despicable actions.

  5. I never considered fraud as a way to sell children’s books before. Someone wanted to be a successful author reeeeeally badly-more than she wanted to be mayor.

  6. “Someone wanted to be a successful author reeeeeally badly-more than she wanted to be mayor.”

    No, someone agreed to an absolutely stupid way to take possession of soft money. If she had charged an exorbitant rate as a ‘consultant’ for unspecified work product she’d be in the clear. But by allowing tangibles to enter into the equation she screwed herself.

  7. What happened? She persisted.

    Once the Federal Bureau of Matters wraps up this one, there’s a long list of other politicians that need investigating for this particular scam.

  8. “Her lawyers said she was too fragile to make a decision”

    The lady has balls made of steel and never thought she’d get caught taking kick backs. Well-Bye.

  9. I think I read somewhere that most of the members of the Baltimore Board of Education had similar “deals” that netted them a pile of taxpayer cash. Maybe the FBI ought to start investigating present and former members also.

  10. Meesah so happy Jar Jar Binks resign as mayor!

    I’m putting this one down as a Win for the Constitution. Normally when a Democrat Party politician is embroiled in a scandal, the only way they get forced out is if they’re caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl

  11. she has escaped pelosi’s dreaded job lock.
    Now no charges will be lodged, and she can collect her pension while she writes children’s books. I think that is how paradise works for some.


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