Mayor of Las Vegas Carolyn Goodman(D) calls business shutdown ‘total insanity’ – IOTW Report

Mayor of Las Vegas Carolyn Goodman(D) calls business shutdown ‘total insanity’

LAS VEGAS (FOX5) — Mayor of Las Vegas Carolyn Goodman on Wednesday called the closure of nonessential businesses in the city “total insanity.”

While opening Wednesday’s City Council Meeting, Mayor Goodman said that “this shutdown has become one of total insanity.” Adding, “For there is no backup of data as to why we are shutdown from the start. No plan in place how to move through the shutdown or how to even come out of it.”

Mayor Goodman said that according to experts who she has spoken to, the coronavirus is “not going away.” 

“It’s not going to be going away this month, next month, and much like the flu and other viruses that have impacted populations around the world, this virus, or a derivative there of, will be part of what we work through going forward,” Mayor Goodman said.

It’s killed us economically. Millions have filed for unemployment. And for some cities, like Las Vegas, where closing the strip is akin to cutting off oxygen to the brain, the Democratic mayor is demanding an end to the shutdown for precisely that reason. READ MORE

20 Comments on Mayor of Las Vegas Carolyn Goodman(D) calls business shutdown ‘total insanity’

  1. It’s not insane, it’s a very sanely and crafted crafted move being done for purposes that are other than what we are told.

    It’s been very, very successful at that.

    It’s insane to think otherwise, that it was for our good or something like that.

  2. And the term “nonessential” really irks me. Who are these Betters in high positions to determine what is essential in my life. Or what is essential for the business owner. If a business is paying a person’s bills or is the lifeblood of a family’s existence, it damn-well is essential. I’m starting to loose my mind and I am so angry at how easily we all fell in line….me included.

  3. The economic destruction will kill thousands.
    No stimulus money should go to any liberals who supported this tyranny.
    And every gov’t worker that is sitting at home continuing to collect a check should have that salary cut off until the lockdown is over.
    They should be the ones to feel the effects of what they have thrust on society.
    They should be the ones who suffer.

  4. I think we all know that as soon as things begin to open up the democRATz and their Bought & Paid For Knee-Pad, Ass-Kissing Media are going to run wild with ANY deaths that occur regardless of medical history! They are going to paint President Trump and anyone supporting him as cold-blooded, heartless murderers! Yes it’s coming!

  5. Tragically, we have already lost, to this virus, 128 individuals in Nevada … But let me tell you, with a population of 3.2 million living in Nevada, those whom we have lost represent less than a half of one percent of our population, which has caused us to shut down our entire state…”

    128/3,200,000 = 0.004%, not 0.5%. Politicians and journalists have a real problem with math literacy. But even if she’s off by two orders of magnitude at least she correctly perceives the problem.

  6. Mayor Goodman (from linked article): “But let me tell you, with a population of 3.2 million living in Nevada, those whom we have lost represent less than a half of one percent of our population.” (emphasis mine)

    While technically true, the 128 deaths in Nevada represent 4/1000ths of a percent of the population, or 4 people out of every 100,000 people (or 125 TIMES less than “a half of a percent”). That is fewer than the normal everyday flu just like everywhere else.

  7. …not to mess up anyone’s day, but she’s RIGHT.

    Like the poor that Jesus mentions in the Bible, this disease will be with us ALWAYS.

    Just like tuberculosis, polio, H1N1, Legionnares’ disease, bird flu, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (yep, a Coronavirus that’s been in the HUMAN population since 2015, you just didn’t HEAR about it because, Obama), HEP-A, HEP-C, syphillus, chalamydia, herpes,satan,Hillary Clinton…

    …but the thing is, it’s the flu. No more, no less. It spreads like the flu, makes people sick like the flu, kills some people like the flu…because it IS the flu.

    What it’s NOT, is Stephen King’s Superflu from “The Stand”. It is, in fact, weaker and less lethal than MOST but you REALLY have to dig to SEE that through the hysteria.

    But it WILL be with us ALWAYS. Just like ALL the human communicable diseaes I mentioned above and THOUSANDS of others, all of which have their own transmissabilty, viablilty, lethality, and communicability, and this is BEFORE getting into things like diseases transmitted by bugs, by vermin, and by the heroin addict that “cleaned” his needle by plunging it into the toilet paper roll in the public bathroom that YOU just wiped with, or the hepatitis you got from your food packer at that restaurant you just got that delish takeout from, and a million OTHER routes of infection.

    You will NOT avoid diseses by HIDING from them.

    …since we were driven from the Garden, we’ve been subject to illnesses beyond count. This is just another.

    The ONLY thing that makes it soooooo scary, soooo dangerous, sooooo very very necessary to hide from, is simply that Hillary Clinton’s not President.

    And the people who report diseases, Dr. Fauchi prominently, and not coincidentally, included, are EXTREMELY butthurt about that.

    …the only thing “novel” about this Coronavirus is that it’s never been weaponized to unseat a President before, after three years of OTHER concerted efforts, lies, smears, innuendo, and outright treason have failed to do so. It’s ‘novel’ in that no one EVER decided to use a flu to deliberately wreck a world ecomomy out of hatred of ONE man before.

    THAT’S pretty novel.

    You can lock yourself in, if you like, but no man is an island. Eventually, you need the world to support you.

    And if THEY’RE all cowering in a closet, TOO, it’s very likely you will just starve.

    And THAT’S Ok with the Communist in our Goverment, too.

    Just like it’s ALWAYS been OK with Communist everywhere. Don’t feel linky today, so just search “Ukrane Famine”, “Armenian Genocide”, China’s Great Famine, Somolia, etc., etc., usw., and you will clearly see that they were ALL people starving because other people WANTED them to, NOT becasue of a scaricity of FOOD.

    And that’s where we’re HEADED with this.

    …so, one more time.

    They HATE you.

    They want YOU dead.

    They will stop at NOTHING to punish YOU for the teremity of not electing Hillary Clinton.

    And it WON’T be the actual DISEASE that kills you.

    They are NOT your friend.

    And the ONLY man who EVER acted in the best interests of OTHERS instead of HIMSELF was named Jesus Christ.

    And he SURELY is NOT a Democrat controlling Coronavirus relief…

    This was NEVER about disease.
    This was ALWAYS about POWER.
    They WANT it.
    THis allows them to TAKE it.
    And you’re NOT getting it BACK.

    …once they are firmly in charge, you WILL be ordered to the assignment they determine for you, and you will NEVER hear of the Coronavirus AGAIN.

    Even if it KILLS you.

    Depend on it…

  8. jpm APRIL 17, 2020 AT 10:10 AM
    “I have been reading the Gulag Archipelago in hard copy but it is also available on line. It fits right in.”

    …yes, I think of this passage in particuar in these times during which we are, as was he, beset by Communists threatening mass arrests…

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago

    …good advice from one who knows.

    But we are unlikely to take it.

    They ALREADY have us scared into our tenamants, and the boogeyman isn’t even VISIBLE.

    …somehow, I can’t see a crowd of modern Americans in the central hallway of their habitation module. For one thing, not enough “social distancing”…

    …I’ve gone into great detail on this on other threads, on the cyclicality of human affairs and how we are plunging once again into the darkness, so I won’t weary everyone again here. Suffice to say that not enough of the younger, able folks are aware of this sort of history, simply because the State schools didn’t TEACH it.

    …and you KNOW what they say about those who do not learn from history…

  9. As I noted elsewhere, the original, stated intent of the shut down was NOT to save lives, but to “flatten the curve”, i.e. slow down the infection rate so as not to overwhelm the hospitals. We have accomplished that objective, so get back to work, already!

  10. How can they continue to say, with a straight face, that a virus with a 2 week incubation period requires months of lock-down?
    That, and padding the numbers by changing the way death certificates are filled out should tell us enough to start the shooting.

  11. I’m back to reading Victor Frankl’s book Man’s Search For Meaning, Solzhenitsyn, Russell Kirk’s book The Roots Of American Order, CS Lewis, GK Chesterton and others who help me think straight about what’s going on right now. And listening to Dennis Prager’s Happiness Hour currently. And picking up and reading the Message Bible once again as well. I need clarity and sanity because nothing in the lamestream media makes any sense and just causes me to be pissed off. And music has been either classical Bach, etc., John Michael Talbot, Michael Card, John Prine’s last album The Tree of Forgiveness, Johnny Cash’s last few albums including the song Hurt etc. Anything that edifies as I can’t take listening to regular music right now, now is not the time.

  12. I believe the virus is also being over counted. I saw a news bit I think was an actor died from Covid. He had pancreatic cancer as well. How do you count it Covid? The pancreatic cancer is his death nail the covid just kept him from suffering anymore.


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