Mayor of ‘Sanctuary City’ of Los Angeles Says She is Fearful of Planes Full of Illegals Arriving – IOTW Report

Mayor of ‘Sanctuary City’ of Los Angeles Says She is Fearful of Planes Full of Illegals Arriving

GP: Los Angeles is supposedly a sanctuary city, but you’d never know it by listening to Mayor Karen Bass.

During a recent interview, she claimed that border state leaders are only sending illegal immigrants to make Democrat governors and mayors look bad.

That statement is ridiculous enough on its own, but then she went on to say that she is afraid of planes full of illegal immigrants arriving. Why? Isn’t that what being a sanctuary city is all about? more

12 Comments on Mayor of ‘Sanctuary City’ of Los Angeles Says She is Fearful of Planes Full of Illegals Arriving

  1. Communists are always hearts and flowers when it costs nothing and makes them look good. Then, when the miners are trapped in the cave in the commies just fill in the mine entrance and tell people ‘nothing could be done’.

    We are going to be very unhappy when the loudest virtue signaling twats in the cities figure out a way to shit can the illegals, they’ll spread out, like rats, to consume whatever they can nationwide. Arm up, hungry illegals will take what they want, they’ve proved that just by coming illegally.

  2. Progressivism/Marxism/Satanism is 100% invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death right up until their chickens come home to roost and it impacts the most deserving. Them. The fuckers who cast legitimate votes for the cunt are even more deserving than the good Mayor. Fuck ‘em all.


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