Mayor Ted Wheeler declares: ‘My work to be a feminist is not done’ – IOTW Report

Mayor Ted Wheeler declares: ‘My work to be a feminist is not done’

BPR: Far-left Antifa extremists have reportedly returned to the streets of Portland, Oregon, even as Mayor Ted Wheeler has meanwhile been focused on being a feminist …

Late Friday evening and early Saturday morning, the extremists reportedly showed up in downtown Portland to once again stir up trouble like they’ve done countless times ever since the death of George Floyd in May of 2020.

Video footage from their latest riot showed them blocking streets, burning an American flag, starting a fire in the middle of the road and even reportedly trying to set Portland City Hall on fire as well.

Check out some of the footage below (*Graphic content):

12 Comments on Mayor Ted Wheeler declares: ‘My work to be a feminist is not done’

  1. “…blocking streets, burning an American flag, starting a fire in the middle of the road and even reportedly trying to set Portland City Hall on fire as well.”

    In other words, just another day in Portland.

  2. “Mayor Ted Wheeler declares: ‘My work to be a feminist is not done’”

    Weird – I never would have guessed he isn’t done. . . he’s such a huge pussy already!

  3. The majority of those auntee’s pantees are actually George Soros’ paid anti-black supremacists which is the major reason why they also trashed numerous black neighborhoods and black-owned small businesses. Soros hates the blacks/non-whites as much as he hates jews and he’ll pay anyone of like mind.

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