Mayoral Candidate Faith Goldy describes sanctuary city Toronto – IOTW Report

Mayoral Candidate Faith Goldy describes sanctuary city Toronto

Mayor Faith Goldy means Toronto ceases to be a sanctuary city!

6 Comments on Mayoral Candidate Faith Goldy describes sanctuary city Toronto

  1. She left it too late to start a run and while she would likely make a good mayor she’s just not that well known. It leaves Toronto with three candidates. John Tory the current Mayor whose kind of a kind of a squish but far less damaging then his predecessor but more liberal then the city needs, Jennifer Keesmaat a far left city employee who is arguably worse then any US city lefty mayor and Faith Goldy. Keesmaat can probably count on at least a third of the total votes from uninformed, knee-jerk voting lefties/liberal. Frankly, I would hope that Goldy polls low in order to avoid a vote split with Tory (who is viewed as a center moderate) that would allow Keesmaat into power.

    @Anonymous; I only wished she had gone in early in the race. As it is when she announced most people thought it was a bit of a joke she was pulling and it was sometime before people realized she was serious. Because she was late and still collecting signatures she wasn’t allowed into the debates and missed a huge chance to explain her positions.

  2. Ms. Goldy has MY vote…. If she played her cards right, I might let her……..

    and easy on the eyes much like the ploof Trudeau but much better.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. I read about that Keesmaat. Whacked out Luddite wants to tear down the only expressway that takes people downtown and turn it into some facsimile of a Paris Boulevard like the Champs Elysee. Driving that expressway gives visitors some great elevated views of Toronto’s downtown core and its beautiful skyscrapers, the harbor, and offshore islands. Her real goal is to get people into public transit and eliminate cars from downtown, like all liberal naval gazing numbskulls want to do. Next to guns, automobiles exemplify freedom, a thing liberals hate.


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