Mayors vow to protect illegals from Trump justice – IOTW Report

Mayors vow to protect illegals from Trump justice

AM: Mayors of several so-called “sanctuary cities” are vowing to defy President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to deport illegal immigrant criminals, regardless of the consequences.

“We are standing with cities like Los Angeles and New York City who have made it clear that we will to sacrifice a single resident and we will continue to protect our communities,” Providence, Rhode Island Mayor Jorge Elorza told hundreds who gathered at Hope High School on Saturday to protest Trump’s proposed policies.  “It’s important that every resident can live their lives without fear of being persecuted.”

“I’ve been in touch with both mayors (from those cities) and I’ve told them that we’re going to stand together on this,” he The Providence Journal on Sunday. “We’re not going to sacrifice any of our people and we’re going to continue with the policy we’ve always had.”

Providence’s current policy requires police to run fingerprints of criminals arrested in the city through the federal U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement database, but local officials refuse to hold undocumented criminals for possible deportation and instead requires ICE agents to attend a suspect’s arraignment to request custody for an immigration violation. Providence police also do not inquire about immigration status or report undocumented immigrants accused of civil infractions, WPRI reports.   READ MORE

32 Comments on Mayors vow to protect illegals from Trump justice

  1. Trump has a great way to save money on the federal budget. Deny funds to sanctuary cities. Those venal fucks will escorting illegal aliens to the deportation buses as soon as it dawns on them the federal teat just ran dry. That piece of shit Obama rewarded these assholes for this lawlessness. Time for Trump to punish them for it.

  2. So, as I understand it, Trump will cut federal funds to cities that break the law. Sounds like there will be extra federal funds just waiting to be used. Where or where can they spend the $? Pay down debt? Yes. Build a wall? Why not?

    Just imagine the headlines: Sanctuary Cities pay for wall construction.

  3. Fine, see how long they’ll continence their tax dollars pouring into DC and watching it trickle, if that, back.

    I sure as fuck don’t remember when legislation was passed that said you could take it or leave it when it came to the rule of law.

  4. Let’s not forget the sanctuary states. Any state that allows illegal criminal immigrants to get a drivers license should lose highway funds. Any state that allows illegal criminal immigrants to get in-state tuition rates should lose federal education money. I know, federal education money shouldn’t exist anyway, different conversation.

  5. Not only arrest and prosecute for obstruction, but also charge the mayors as accomplices for any crimes committed by illegals. An illegal commits murder, the mayor goes to jail for complicity in the murder.

  6. I have a name for these pukes, both the illegals and the goons that ‘shelter’ them.
    Its Nacho Right to come here
    Its Nacho Right to live here
    Its Nacho right to work here
    Its Nacho right to get welfare
    He’s Nacho President
    These Nacho Laws
    That’s Nacho Social Security number
    This is Nacho Country

  7. Amazing how much these leftist Mayors love to posture. With luck, Trump will cut federal funding to these cities (after he fills the vacant seat with a youngish, constitutionalist conservative Judge) to these cities. Then watch the fun s they city services go to hell in a handbasket while the Mayors continue to mewl and the city electorate turns on them. Trump needs to put down this revolt of lawbreakers immediately upon assuming office.

  8. Trump needs to make an example of these anti-American lawbreakers.
    Send in the troops and arrest the mayors, city councils, sheriffs, police chiefs and anybody else not following the law!
    Oh yes, and throw in the crooked judges too.

  9. then let’s all declare our own City’s TAX SANTUARYS……just stop paying your state and local taxes and tell them that if some laws are able to be ignored, ALL should be so taxation is something none of us will go for anymore……HILARIOUS

  10. All one has to do to understand these mayors is to look at the average Hate Trump protest; that’s their mentality. They’ve been protected for so long by a string of D-controlled congresses and for the last 8 years by the guy in the WH and his so-called Justice department. They’ve all just been cold-cocked and are still reeling from the blow. Hopefully, they won’t know what hit them until after Trump pulls their federal funding — state and local.

  11. I think we’re entering a period of “urban civil war,” where, in order to regain control of our borders, the President has to go to war with the politicians and illegals in many American cities. It’s going to be ugly and cause a great deal of soul searching. Millions of human malware will take the side of their “sanctuary mayors” and protests/riots will be the norm. There will be countless court injunctions and other nonsense to try to stop the President.

  12. why would any citizen of these fine cities buy into this? What is the advantage? There has to be a reason. Are they so willing to trade security and safety for illegal drug dealers, for gangstas, for sex slaves? What is it that endears them to these people? Is it because the citizens want law breakers? Because the crime rate isnt sufficiently high enough? Because there arent enough muslims?

  13. Perhaps an even funnier plan would be to first ONLY give free shit to people living in certain cities.

    You want that EBT card to work? You want free rent? You want free school lunches for your dozen hood rats from different men? You move to Los Angeles or New York or wherever, or no more free shit for you. Herd the garbage where you want them to be.

    Then give those cities an ultimatum: comply with the immigration laws, or the free-shit tap gets turned off – and the garbage will burn the city down and barbecue the ‘important people’ for dinner.

  14. Do any of you know a good commercial realtor in Providence? I’m already packing up to move there.

    “It’s important that every resident can live their lives without fear of being persecuted.”

    I’ve been looking for a place where I can open a small, wood fire, BBQ joint – fly my CSA flag from the pole on the roof, you pick the live animal from the pens out back, we whack it in the kitchen, and serve it up fresh, under the “NO HOMOS ALOWED” sign up front. Smells like – freedom.

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