McAuliffe abruptly ends tense interview, snarls at reporter: ‘You should have asked better questions’ – IOTW Report

McAuliffe abruptly ends tense interview, snarls at reporter: ‘You should have asked better questions’

BPR: The 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election, to be held on November 2, 2021, is just two weeks away and a local TV station in the state conducted interviews with the leading candidate from both parties recently, only to see Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe abruptly end his interview and scold the reporter for not asking “better questions.”

WJLA 7News reporter Nick Minock conducted interviews with the former governor and his Republican rival Glenn Youngkin on Oct. 13 and 14, with each candidate reportedly being given 20 minutes to make his case on why voters should select him to lead Virginia if elected next month.

According to the transcript released by ABC 7, McAuliffe ended the interview after a member of his team claimed they were out of time, saying: “Alright Nick, we are overtime.” more here

13 Comments on McAuliffe abruptly ends tense interview, snarls at reporter: ‘You should have asked better questions’

  1. FYI…
    Fairfax, VA. County Board of Elections is violating election laws.

    When absentee ballots are sent by mail, they are required to have the last four digits of the voters social security number.

    Fairfax county board of elections have decided to skip this law.

    This election has ALREADY BEEN DECIDED.

  2. When the (s)election is over the real oppression will start. Gov. Mcawful will beat Gov. Blackface in nefarious shenanigans. He’s even better at gathering money than the “Big Guy”

  3. This trend in VA is what encouraged my absquatulation. Did I just make that word up? So far, lindsey grahamnesty, tim scott and joe wilson not withstanding, SC isn’t too bad. I like McMaster so far.

  4. The Election Mill in this country is very well organized, well funded and very much alive! Big city mayors and DAs, as well as governors have been stategically placed, not to ment the flaming jackass in the White House! They don’t need to answer questions when the outcome is predetermined!

  5. The lap-dog media’s ‘sposed to swallow – not to ax questions.
    The arrogance of somebody axin Maggot McAuliffe a question!
    He should be given the questions a couple of days before the “interview” like HRC, Obola, Psuki, and Biden do.

    mortem tyrannis
    Fuck Joe Biden

    izlamo delenda est …


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