McAuliffe campaign condemns tiki torch hoax after spending all day spreading it – IOTW Report

McAuliffe campaign condemns tiki torch hoax after spending all day spreading it

PM: Following the shocking photos of a group dressed as “white supremacists” during a Glenn Youngkin campaign stop in Charlottesville, Virginia, the Terry McAuliffe campaign has condemned the actions, despite spreading the hoax themselves all day.

The stunt was revealed to be the actions of the Lincoln Project, using Virginia Democrats workers.

“What happened today is disgusting and distasteful and we condemn it in the strongest terms. Those involved should immediately apologize,” McAuliffe’s campaign manager Chris Bolling told senior Vice News reporter Cameron Joseph.

“The Democratic Party of Virginia, along with its coordinated partners and its affiliates, did not have any role in the events that happened outside of the Youngkin campaign bus stop today,” another statement from the campaign reads. see more

13 Comments on McAuliffe campaign condemns tiki torch hoax after spending all day spreading it

  1. What is the Democrat party writ large going to do when their last resort “white supremacists” racist garbage attacks just stop working all together?
    Jesus Crist even Brian Stelter is starting to roll his eyes when they pull this crap.

  2. “…a group dressed as “white supremacists”

    I still want to know who came up with that 80s frat boy look. “Supremacists in the Mist”…actually, in the pouring rain.

    Good thing they didn’t pick red shirts, or it would have looked like a Jake From State Farm convention. Too late for this year, but Party City will have it covered by next Halloween.

  3. Hypocrisy, lies, theft, graft, corruption, intimidation, oppression, and murder are the Hallmarks of the Demonrats.
    They’ve taken their cues from a long line of nihilistic totalitarians, including, but not limited to: Nazis (National Socialists), Soviet Socialists, Communists, Demonrat Socialists, Social Demonrats, Castro-ites, Trotsky-ites, Zinovievites, Mao-ists, Qhadaffi-ists, and Fascists (Italian Socialists).

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Could we look back at the original Unite the Right rally again? Word around C’ville has always been that there were charter buses parked a few blocks away that ‘students’ and ‘skinheads’ and ‘BLM’ got on together after the rally and left town.

    And yesterday, why did the local station just report the image like it was real, instead of interviewing these domestic terrorists and asking their names and occupations and why they ‘support’ the candidate? Oh, because that would be real JOURNALISM that might lead to real answers.

  5. Somehow I picture McAwful as the dope who just doesn’t quite get it who raises his hand with an OK sign and yells:
    Right arm!
    Farm out!
    Out of lite
    Can you shovel it?
    Seize her chavez!
    Free Range Chicken! (turn ’em lose)
    How’s it dangling?
    Catch ya on the backside!

  6. Little Morphin’ Annie, Jason Kessler was an Obama supporter, and he participated in Occupy Wall Street. Additionally, “he accepted a $1,300 consulting fee from a Democratic candidate running for the Senate in 2012. According to Right Wing News, Kessler is also pro-abortion and an environmentalist. WND observes that he was also pro-gun control and supported President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and other leftist causes, as evidenced by 2012 and 2013 tweets from Kessler. One of his tweets even compared Republicans to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.”

    Charlottesvllie was a hugely successful false flag, partly because our media participated in the coverup of shitheads like Kessler, who no doubt is still up to his khakis in dirty tricks.

  7. I don’t understand. How are these guys dressed as white supremacists? How were they alt-right? Seriously, I don’t understand. Does having a tiki torch making you a white supremacist now? Have we seriously become that unhinged???

  8. Thirdtwin: Thanks for that link. Good article that offers verifiable facts. (Again, what we used to call journalism.) I knew Kessler was a fraud but didn’t realize it was the SPLC that outed him. Oh, the irony!

    My point was that many (busloads, even) of the participants on all sides were actors from one side, not just useful idiots with good intentions who got caught up in the moment.


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