McAuliffe denies the existence of critical race theory—but he promoted it in 2015. – IOTW Report

McAuliffe denies the existence of critical race theory—but he promoted it in 2015.

Christopher Rufo: Terry McAuliffe claims that critical race theory is “dog whistle” and has “never been taught in Virginia [schools].”

But in 2015, when McAuliffe was last governor, the Virginia Department of Education instructed public schools to “embrace critical race theory” in order to “re-engineer attitudes and belief systems.”

McAuliffe has called opposition to critical race theory a “right-wing conspiracy” and slandered parents as “racist.” But his own administration was promoting critical race theory in all Virginia public schools. 

Here is the full document that proves McAuliffe is lying:

Resources for Fighting CRT.
Parent toolkit, model legislation, election research, and a language guide.

11 Comments on McAuliffe denies the existence of critical race theory—but he promoted it in 2015.

  1. NorVA has become a serious shithole in the years I have known it. First of all the telco splicers were on crack even in the early 2000s. WTF? Yeah, yeah, I know the F1 boxes were hosed in Southern MD in the same era.

    The F2s were hosed, too.

    Jap PIC.

  2. All part of the plan, anything that divides people.
    Whatever isn’t……
    One Nation, Under God, Inadvisable, with Liberty and Justice for all.

    Isn’t there a soldiers creed, something like, “it’s not my job to judge, just to make the appointment”.

  3. Fact is that McAuliffe has a long rep of racism and white supremacy which was scrubbed-removed by advertising entities google, bing, duckduckgo. BTW, duckduckgo has slid themselves over to the left and the vile creeds which common street-corner libs promote.

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