McAuliffe to Reid- Butt Out! – IOTW Report

McAuliffe to Reid- Butt Out!


FOX Nation

Dem Infighting: Va. Gov. Tells Harry Reid to Shut Up About ‘Redskins’

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s rush to drag the Washington Redskins into the race-charged debate over the lifetime ban of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling is getting some pushback from another prominent Democrat: Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

While Reid thinks the Redskins’ name is akin to the racist ranting of Sterling, McAuliffe, who once ran the Democratic Party, said there is no comparison and thinks government officials should just butt out of the debate. MORE


12 Comments on McAuliffe to Reid- Butt Out!

  1. I think PETA should throw their hat into the ring.

    The Bears got beat
    The Cubs took a beating
    The Cardinals are losers

    I mean, come on! Who beats animals? It’s 2014!

  2. Just heard that the NAACP Security Chief, Obango LaBumba, of the black panther party is sueing The Carolina Panthers for some infringement shit. But snopes says it’s false.

  3. Harry is the last to know, always. Jarrett has it figured out….:”they are on to us…phuck!!” They are all running amok to create diversions over the planet and get the heat off Barky… too bad. that cheap Alinsky trick wont work anymore, Val….you are screwed (you ugly biatche’)…

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