McCabe Confirms Some FBI Employees ‘Frustrated’ No Charges Brought Against Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

McCabe Confirms Some FBI Employees ‘Frustrated’ No Charges Brought Against Hillary Clinton


NEW YORK — Former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe lent some credibility to a previous White House claim that some FBI personnel were upset over the agency’s decision, under the leadership of disgraced ex-FBI Director James Comey, not to charge Hillary Clinton in the criminal probe of her private email server use.

The claim that some FBI rank-and-file workers lost confidence in Comey following his infamous press conference announcing that no charges would be brought has been in dispute.

Yet in largely unreported testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on December 21, 2017, McCabe confirmed that some FBI personnel were “surprised” and “frustrated” with the result of the Clinton email case as announced by Comey. A transcript of McCabe’s testimony was released three weeks ago by House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins, R-Ga.

On July 5, 2016, at the height of the presidential campaign, Comey held a notorious press conference during which he bypassed Justice Department tradition by unilaterally declaring that “no charges are appropriate” in the case of Clinton’s private email server. It is not the role of the FBI to make such pronouncements.

In his testimony, McCabe clarified that he was “not aware” of sentiments expressing disappointment or surprise from within the small unit that specifically investigated Clinton’s email case. But he stated several times that there was negative sentiment about Comey’s decision within the larger FBI.

“I am not aware of those sentiments within the team,” MCcCabe said. “But I am aware that the outcome of the case was surprising, and maybe frustrating to many people, including some of the people who work for the FBI.”

Asked what those FBI employees were surprised about, McCabe replied, “I think, like many people around the country, they were surprised by the result in the case and the fact that we were not recommending pursuing charges.”

“When I say surprise,” he added, “I’m talking about people who heard the Director’s statement on July 5 and were frustrated with that result, not people who were engaged in the investigation or the prosecutors across the street at the Department of Justice.”

McCabe was asked to respond to a November 2016 statement from Trump confidante Rudy Giuliani that he had heard from other former FBI agents “there’s a revolution going on” inside the agency over the decision not to charge Clinton.

“I am not aware of a revolution,” McCabe replied before going on to once again concede that some FBI agents were indeed surprised and possibly frustrated.

“As I said, there was certainly FBI personnel who were surprised and maybe frustrated by that result,” McCabe continued.  “Director Comey spent a lot of time, in the months following his announcement, you know, in visits to field offices and interactions with retired agents’ groups, and things like that, answering a lot of questions about why we had done what we had done.”  more here

9 Comments on McCabe Confirms Some FBI Employees ‘Frustrated’ No Charges Brought Against Hillary Clinton

  1. “In his testimony, McCabe clarified that he was “not aware” of sentiments expressing disappointment or surprise from within the small unit…”

    No shit Sherlock.
    Just more confirmation McCabe and his cadre of corrupt overlords firmly believe in the two-tiered system of justice.

  2. …well, gee, after your boss spends 15 minutes on TV laying out in precise detail the airtight case you and your colleagues set out against a criminal, points out all the laws she actually, indisputably violated, and then winds up with … ‘But we want her to be President so we’re going to pretend like the law requires intent even thought it doesn’t and ignore all the obstruction of justice stuff because, we hate Trump’, thus trashing not only your work but the ENTIRE CONCEPT OF RULE OF LAW THAT YOU ARE TRAINED AND SWORN TO ENFORCE for all the world to see, then why WOULD you get upset? /s

  3. The FBI is in the late stages of decay thanks to the corruption from top to bottom. This isn’t just a problem with a few top tiered individuals it’s intrinsic in the organization. It should be dissolved and replaced with a different group with stricter controls and vetting of personnel.

  4. But, but Kabbalah Heretic said that no one is above law. Not even Preznint.

    Hitlery was no not even Preznint but treated above law.

    What gives, Kabbalah? Please phrase response in form of rap lyric capturing spirit of Marcia Fudge and Stacey Abrams.

  5. Government is rarely the answer, it is usually the problem.

    We’re bankrupt for funding this sewage and our wealth is weaponized to impoverish and insult us.

  6. This icehole and plenty of others need to hang! We are on the hook because THEY will not do it!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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