McCabe says Rosenstein was ‘absolutely serious’ about secretly recording Trump – IOTW Report

McCabe says Rosenstein was ‘absolutely serious’ about secretly recording Trump

FOX: Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said in an interview broadcast Sunday that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein “was not joking” when he suggested secretly recording President Donald Trump in the Oval Office following the May 2017 dismissal of FBI Director James Comey.

McCabe, speaking to CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” recounted a conversation soon after Comey’s firing about the ongoing Russia investigation in which he said Rosenstein told him: “I never get searched when I go into the White House. I could easily wear a recording device. They wouldn’t know it was there.”

“Now, he was not joking,” McCabe said of Rosenstein’s comments. “He was absolutely serious. And in fact, he brought it up in the next meeting we had.”

McCabe told “60 Minutes” that he “never actually considered taking [Rosenstein] up on the offer,” but said he did discuss the matter with the FBI’s then-general counsel, James A. Baker. Last fall, Baker told lawmakers during a closed-door deposition that McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page came to Baker “contemporaneously” and told him details of the meeting where Rosenstein made the comments. Baker told congressional investigators he took the word of McCabe and Page “seriously.”  more here

13 Comments on McCabe says Rosenstein was ‘absolutely serious’ about secretly recording Trump

  1. I know “Q” is not everyone’s favorite topic of conversation but after a period of relative quiet “Q” has been pretty active recently. I still like reading the posts, I think it’s interesting as heck. Looking forward to the book. if you’re curious.

  2. Joe6

    Yes, every time I’m ready to bail on the whole Q thing Donald Trump says something like, “we need a great awakening”. You can not deny that shit. Something is going on that’s legit.

  3. I’ve been following this guy on the interwebz….his nom de plume is “R” and he posts with his brother “Ardy”…cryptically “Ardy” posts first, followed by two posts from”R”…, it’s “ARDY R R”…..and then I flash to Wally gator cartoons….LOL….Do you “Q” people wear pants os your head when you read the posts?….

  4. Willy, it’s not a matter of wearing pants or not, it’s more a matter of another source or a different perspective. I read crazier shit than than “Q”, and I keep my pants on for that too.

  5. It’s fun to watch them hang them selves. Except I’m not seeing any judicial body that will charge them. WTF? Mean While our President is totally on the defensive. When do we step up? It will be to late when we finally do.

  6. So that’s it, nothing. These guys try to undermine a legitimate election and then just go on book tours?? Sorry I have a problem with that and don’t plan on just giving up on our laws working the same way for everyone.

  7. Why do all the top Justice, and law enforcement individuals, along with their Democrat enablers in Congress, all look like they were just released from an insane asylum? Inquiring minds want to know!


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