McCabe’s Troubles Run Much Deeper Than ‘60 Minutes’ Interview Suggests – IOTW Report

McCabe’s Troubles Run Much Deeper Than ‘60 Minutes’ Interview Suggests

ET: Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s interview with Scott Pelley of CBS’s “60 Minutes” aired on Feb. 15.

McCabe played a pivotal role in what has become known as Spygate. He directed the activities of FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, provided an early approval of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, and was involved in all aspects of the Russia investigation. He was also mentioned in the now-infamous “insurance policy” text message sent by Strzok to Lisa Page.

Notably missing from the “60 Minutes” interview was any mention of these and other critical components regarding McCabe’s involvement in the investigation into alleged Trump–Russia collusion. Specifically, there were no questions asked regarding the following:

• McCabe’s ongoing criminal investigation before a grand jury

• The role of FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page, who was special counsel to McCabe

• The use of the so-called Steele dossier as the primary piece of evidence in the Page FISA application, despite the fact that the information was paid for by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign

• The infamous “insurance policy” text, which references a meeting held in McCabe’s office between McCabe, Strzok, and Page

• The role of Justice Department (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr, who provided information from former British spy Christopher Steele to McCabe and the FBI.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on McCabe’s Troubles Run Much Deeper Than ‘60 Minutes’ Interview Suggests

  1. One Brit who couldn’t mind his own fucking business and lots of help from traitors within. We shall see if the new AG is going to gloss over this or lower the boom.

    If he does choose to enforce the law he should include firing that useless head of the FBI.

  2. Maybe a special council should be appointed in this case.

    Wonder if Mueller would be willing to take the job? After all he’s known for being really, really thorough and digging up everything that can possibly be dug up.

  3. I’ve got to the point where all the additional evidence by appalled reporters of it is just making me weary.

    We have had plenty sufficient evidence of conspiracies, sedition and multifarious crimes by Obama and his cabal, Clinton and her cabal, and the letter agencies two years ago for perp walks. And enough that any intelligent person not biased against Trump could surmise what was going on between the lines, based on everything else we know about the corruptocrat activities during BO’s time in office (for which no one ever was punished).

    Please wake me up when someone is arrested…

  4. A special council is the least that should be done, seems everyone is just ignoring just how serious this whole operation was, and trying to downplay it. Muller is a big part of the real problem of ignoring the phony Russian narrative that the DOJ and the democrats used to set Trump up. Oh, yea lets just close our eyes and play dumb and move along, nothing we want you to see here.

  5. Just as a side note…..I think Scott Pelley is, in fact, an android. How could anyone human be as robotic in manner and voice inflection such as this guy? I used to call him Mr. Roboto back before my uber liberal girlfriend left me. Oh, well.

  6. This does send the signal that any of us ‘well-intentioned’ patriotic types are well justified to take the law into our own hands. On account of our personal feelings.

    What shall I do? What shall I do?

  7. I think MCCabe is ready to crack; he misses his pension and he is angry that he was fired when Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey were the bigger rats; it should be interesting when he does open his mouth.


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