I’ve said it before and I say it again. The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Democrats are honest enough to not hide what they are.

WND: As if any true conservative needed more evidence, the Republican Party’s refusal to repeal Obamacare proves the party is comprised of liars, leftists and betrayers of the voters who elected them. And even more condemnable, they no longer care that we know it. But I get ahead of myself.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has been corrupt since he took his very first steps in Congress, beginning with his involvement in the “Keating Five” savings and loan scandal. To avoid criminal prosecution for his criminal misdeeds, McCain, as they say, “dropped the dime” on everyone else involved, thus avoiding the gallows himself.
McCain loves the theater that comes from being the center of attention, hence the reason he turned the Senate’s vote for the so-called “skinny repeal” amendment into a long, drawn out drama before the curtain came down ending for now the effort to repeal Obamacare.
McCain has always been a loathsome individual, and Thursday evening we were reminded just how fortunate we were that he failed in his presidential bids of 2000 and 2008.
But enough of McCain. Everyone but the voters in Arizona, who are responsible for handing him a lifetime career in which corruption, duplicity, lies and Shakespearian drama defined his time in office, knows he is a disgraced human being.
Let’s talk instead about the dishonesty we’ve watched play out as President Trump has done his best to keep his campaign promises. MORE
True Conservatives always knew there was no difference between the parties. Thus why everyone hated true conservatives like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz. Thus the creation of the Tea Party. Why the hell did Trump endorse McCain for reelection?
Everyone knew he would backstab Trump.
Face it, they don’t have fear of re=election anymore. Sure they want to be re-elected but like Dems the GOP and their donors take care of their own. Canter and Boehner got million dollar K Street jobs, Chaffetz gets a career in media. If you play the game right you are set for life. Term limits is needed – short term limits.
The don’t have fear of reelection because there is a 95% incumbency rate.
All the sound and fury and cries of “vote them out” are about as genuinely threatening to them as Ralph Kramden telling Alice “to the moon.”
The edge they maintain is that the dems are lockstep in line. We can likely get several out but then we lose the majority. It would take a monumental coordinated effort to come out ahead on this but there seems to be no other option. Seems daunting. Trump gave some very inspiring speeches during the campaign, He should go on national tv and spell out how to clean this up.
I re-registered Independent about 8 years ago after a distasteful experience with my local County Commissioners (2 of which I have know since grade school) who expected me to go along to get along with a lowered tax rate on my house for a favorable action on church property the local republican committee thought they could buy for a song.
I told them to take a flying leap, had to leave that church, and even to this day the rumors about me are still being told.
Never trust politicians, newspaper reporters, or lawyers.
Posted this at AoS:
The Bible foretells something that could not have existed at any point in the past but (imo) is plainly visible, to anyone who just looks around, as coming into being before ur eyes: an all-powerful one-world global government, an intricately interconnected one-world economy, and a syncretistic one-world religion, all to be headed up ultimately under one man.
Assume for a moment that this global superstructure will indeed come to pass as written. In order for it to come to pass, a LOT of stage-setting will have to take place first, including fundamental changes in perception forced upon the masses via media as well as the utter destruction of nations that are too free-minded to submit to the global chain gang (namely, us).
Now just for argument’s sake…does the general course of events in our modern world even remotely suggest to you the possibility that the stage is indeed being set to allow this global rule to form as a literal fact?
If so…coincidence?
Of course in today’s world it would be:
because we know the Russians are involved.
It is important that their legacy show them as statesmen and that they are liked and admired………..problem is that the mirror they use is the national media. Few of us will go to a townhall and raise hell like libs and media weirdos.
The “Tea Party” won a decisive and historical election.
Proceeded to do Jack and fall in line with with the swap dwellers. Barely a whisper was said about their agenda and what they would do to bring it to fruition. I point to that election cycle and the Supreme Court decision on Obama Care as the point in time where I lost any hope in real, constructive change for this once great Country. I come here because BFH (and all of the other brilliant contributors) make me laugh.
These creatures never were “republicans.” It was part of the plan that socialists and one-worlders would run as republicans, lying to people just to get elected, so that they could stack the deck.
A viable Republic cannot function in a sea of Mendacity.
And we are drowning in a sea of Mendacity.
A veritable tsunami of Mendacity is sweeping over the entire Earth while we sit with one thumb up our ass and the other lodged in our mouth, waiting for our “leaders” to yell “SWITCH!”
Media, Academia, Town Hall, Capitol, Market Square – even our Armed Forces – are sources of dissimulation, half-truth, bold lies, prevarications, and disingenuations.
In such an environment, the shit floats to the top, crowding out facts, and ultimately, Truth.
McCain, Ryan, McConnell, and the others are absolute proof of the maxim.
izlamo delenda est …
The election of President Trump gave me hope after 8 years of arrogance of big government, incompetence, division, racism, numerous attacks on the rule of law, Constitutional protections and rights.
Ryan, McCONnell’s anticipated failed leadership, betrayal by incumbent RINOs and the socialist deep state has attacked the hope I experienced when Donald Trump was sworn in as President.
If I were going to war (which this is), General Kelly as Chief of Staff, General McMaster leading NSA and General Mathis at the Defense Department restores my faith that not all is lost. We are still in the 1st quarter of this struggle to regain the Nation we grew up in.
The Washington Generals come to mind.
A agree the Swamp Things have rigged the system so we cannot remove them via the ballot box, but what’s the next alternative? Better start thinking about it.
2 @ 4 for Senators
4 @ 2 for Reps
The only thing that makes any sense!!!
🚩 VOTE FOR McCAIN! You don’t want the democrats to win do you!?🚩
N*gga please! I voted for Ron Paul, and everyone scoffed at me. “You’re worse than a democrat!”
Look at me now? I was right.
Regarding term limits, I read somewhere where this was attempted and the shocking result was: For the first part of the term, the politician rewarded those who helped them achieve their lofty goals, the second part of the term was used to grease the skids and set them self’s up for the next phase of pocket lining (away from the public spotlight). Moral: Even less got done by the feckless. I would like to see DJT start calling these turds out by name (ala the campaign) and exposing their true colors (to those interested in what transpires) under the guise of “greater good”.
About the only time the Dems said anything bad about McCain was when he was running for President against St. Barack, and that was probably just for show.
That reminds me Billy fuster, Trump does have a thing for Generals, he even named his USFL team the New Jersey Generals.
By “Republicans” do you mean those Establishment, Progressive, Elitist, Closet Liberal, Pukes who SAY they are Republicans, but are not and never have been?
Sociopath is such a big word, can’t we just stick with assholes?
Consider that term limits might well make a bad situation worse by transferring power from the few people in DC who are even slightly accountable to the people to the permanent bureaucracy.
Shuffling power around in DC is no better than shuffling deck chairs. Only by taking away most of its power will the beast be tamed, and that seems unlikely through mechanisms the beast itself defines and controls.