McCain denies saying Obama was a better leader than Trump – IOTW Report

McCain denies saying Obama was a better leader than Trump

Yesterday we brought you the story of John McCain’s grotesque commentary in the UK’s Guardian news outlet. He had been asked by the British paper if he thought that President Obama had done a better job leading than President Trump has. Sadly, McCain’s response was in the affirmative, arguing that in terms of leadership in the world, “Yes,” Obama had been better.

This message angered many Republicans and even bewildered a few “Never Trumpers” who couldn’t believe that McCain would say such a thing about the President. Making matters worse, he made the comments to an overseas news outlet that was obviously writing a hit piece meant to embarrass the Trump administration.  — Story at

31 Comments on McCain denies saying Obama was a better leader than Trump

  1. The poster boy for term limits speaks and only the party of opposition listens.

    I’m sick of your mug, your voice and I blame you for loosing to Obama in 08. Be gone!

  2. McCain also nearly sunk his own ship
    McCain also thinks waterboarding is torture and/or is ineffective

    I could go on, but why bother?

    Shut up, sit the fuck down and eat your Goddamned oatmeal John

  3. Has this man said one cogent thing in the last 8 years?
    If he has, please inform me.
    He prattles, tattles and rattles

    STFU Johnnie. Go away. Leave us alone. Your expiration date was 2008. If not before.

  4. I don’t think he know what he said. He’s a befuddled old coot whose mind was taken from him decades ago.

    When asked if he said what they said he said, he stated: “If I did I was joking,”

    See, he really can’t remember. For the love of God, will his family please put him away?!?

  5. Getting as bad as Pelosi. Before long he’s gonna forget to zip up before leaving the bathroom. Then he’ll forget to unzip when he goes into the bathroom. His time is up. He’s caused himself, his family, and this great nation enough grief and embarrassment. Time for ‘JOHN BEGONE’ bumper stickers.

  6. Judgeroybean, a lot of us older guys have at least one thing in common with McCain, as we get older we tend to forget about zipping up and are peeing a whole lot of the time. I got caught not zipping up recently on my way to work and was told politely by a woman coworker about it without being too terribly embarrassed, oops. He’s going thru a second childhood, he’s now into his terrible 80’s and needs to retire.

  7. @geoff the aardvark
    Being unzipped was brought to my attentions once.
    I told her I didn’t forget, I was trolling.
    She chuckled and said You better be careful you may get a bite.
    I zipped up immediately.

  8. Through the Hugh Hewitt website, I sent a birthday greeting to President Trump

    My last paragraph had this suggestion: ‘Please, give Senator McCain an ambassadorship to, maybe, Siberia or Iceland, or perhaps a nation that still practices cannibalism.’

  9. Geoff the Aardvark–I wish that his plane captain had rigged his ejection seat to misfire, we would have been saved a hell of a lot of trouble had the songbird of the Hanoi Hilton just ridden his plane into the ground.

  10. To paraphrase an old cannibal joke (it’s originally a mother in law joke), two cannibals are sitting around a campfire eating and one cannibal says to the other, “I can’t stand John McCain,” and the other cannibal says, “Just shut up and eat the noodles.”

  11. Geoff, tragically, the F-4 had a horrible ejection seat. Thank you Martin Baker. Pretty sure McCainnedy was shot down in an A-4. No idea who made the A-4 ejection seat. But yes, the world would have been a better place if McCainnedy had been a crash test dummy in one of those ejection seats that went off because they were not properly rigged.

  12. I had an incident with the ejection on an F-4 since I was a plane capt. in in an F-4 squadron VF 114. I went to secure the plane after it landed on the flight deck of the USS Kitty Hawk CV63 and was about to climb into cockpit when I noticed that the ejection seat was still armed because the seat hadn’t been pinned to disarm the ejection seat. I immediately notified a Safety Officer and showed him the unpinned ejection seat. He told me I did the right thing and took over from there. Anyhow the pilot who was the CAG Officer had got out of the plane without pinning the seat like he should have. I could’ve been blown sky high if I hadn’t noticed and climbed into the plane. From what I heard later the CAG Officer was read the riot act by other Officers for being so damned careless. Safety, safety, safety was constantly stressed and that time it paid off for me.

  13. McCain was shot down in an A-4 Sky Hawk and he was in an A-4 when that Zuni missile accidentally shot across the flight deck of the USS Forrestal and blew the hell out of that plane with McCain jumping out of that plane onto the flight deck just barely escaping with his life and being blown to smithereens before the Forrestal went up in a huge explosion killing over a hundred + sailors. It’s one of the scariest videos I’ve ever seen, they show it to all sailors who serve on Aircraft carriers during the mandatory fire fighting school.

  14. McCain is already past the stage forgetting to zip up, and has already entered the phase described by George Burns:

    First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down

  15. I noticed this when he was running for president. (Talk about holding your nose and pulling the lever. But I digress…) If you look at McCain out of the corner of your eye, you can actually see the little birds flying around his head.

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