McCain, Graham Join Democrats, Demand Probe into Claims of Russian Hacking – IOTW Report

McCain, Graham Join Democrats, Demand Probe into Claims of Russian Hacking

They heard the word “probe” and couldn’t wait to bend over for the Democrats.

McCain sniffs fingers

-Breitbart: A bipartisan group of senators are calling for a probe into whether Russia influenced the presidential election after claims that the country illegally tried to swing the result in favor of Donald Trump.

The group, which includes former Republican presidential nominee John McCain, claims that “recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American,” and has called for a full investigation into the conclusions of various intelligence personnel.

Other members of the group include McCain’s fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, and Sen. Jack Reed, the highest sitting Democrat on the Armed Services Committee.

“While protecting classified material, we have an obligation to inform the public about recent cyberattacks that have cut to the heart of our free society,” the group wrote in a joint statement.

“Democrats and Republicans must work together, and across the jurisdictional lines of the Congress, to examine these recent incidents thoroughly and devise comprehensive solutions to deter and defend against further cyber-attacks,” they continued. MORE

24 Comments on McCain, Graham Join Democrats, Demand Probe into Claims of Russian Hacking

  1. Long past time for both of those nozzles to go home and spend their days watching springer.
    Everybody talks about the need for term limits, we already have them, its called voting.

  2. This all started on July 27 when Trump said, most likely in jest,

    “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens. That’ll be next.”

    Much like the origin of the birther movement, the KKKlinton KKKamp jumped all over this in their usual deflective mode of operation.

    “Today, Donald Trump once again took Russia’s side. He asked the Russians to interfere in American politics.”
    Leon Panetta 7/27/16

    Of course the lapdog media followed lockstep with this out-of-context and extreme reporting of Trump’s comment.

    It is no real surprise to see McCain and Ms. Graham jump on board this sinking ship. If they had the sense of a flatworm, they’d recognize that the Trump train rolls on in vindication. McCain and Graham will be left in the sawdust pile.

  3. I live in AZ and have no idea how McCain keeps getting re-elected, I will say that Kelli Ward did not have the money to effectively compete-McCain crushed her in advertising, media etc. IMO the litmus test of those who are involved in the pedophilia ring inside DC –#NeverTrumpers and RINOS like McCain and Graham. I saw on VOAT a list of high-ranking Government officials that have been convicted of heinous perverted acts against children and infants–my GOD this is the most nauseating stuff I have ever seen. AND NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT.

  4. It’s funny that whomever it was that hacked the e-mails, be they Russian or whatever, the only thing they did to “influence” the election was better inform the voters about whom they were voting.

    Of course the democrats and RINOs want voters to be poorly informed.

  5. With 1/4 of the GANG of 8 on the attack, the rest can’t be too far behind. If Rubio and Flake jumped on that would be 1/2 of them.

    The remaining 4 are democrats, who it’s safe to bet, are definitely looking to undermine President-Elect Trump too.

  6. They want it “probed” now before President Trump takes office and finds out how deep their cesspool really is. Once an “investigation” is closed, can it be re-opened?

    Or maybe they just want to give obamas blind sheep followers the APPEARANCE that everything’s fault is the Russians whether anything happens with this “probe” or not. Since impressions resonate with them more than the truth.

  7. So they have a probe. Let’s say they find out the Russians really did do the hacking. Then what – tighten security? OMG, who would’ve thought of that? Good thing we had that probe, or we never would have realized what we needed to do.

  8. Total bullshit.
    Anything McClain and GrahamCracker back is total bullshit.

    Why would Putin support a non-socialist over a self-described socialist totalitarian who promised to help destroy America? With a 40 year track record of corruption and treason? He wouldn’t – Putin’s not a fool. Clinton would be better for the Globaloney set (and that included Russia). The whole idea that Putin would support a vigorous opponent, as opposed to supporting an American-hating socialist is absurd on its face, and is only getting traction because of the propagandistic powers of the LSM.

    Humans can feel the absurdity and smell the bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Vietvet December 12, 2016 at 9:21 am

    > Let’s say they find out the Russians really did do the hacking. Then what

    Well, then we’ll have every moral right, and expectation, to nuke Moscow.

    And, just as a win-win, every apparatchik that doesn’t want to worry about pesky FOIA snivelings can, safely, have their own private innertubes, in their own private cellars.

  10. Whole tidal wave of Fake News originated by the Shrillary when she ran out of other options. McStain and the SC Ho GrahamCrackersinmytwat should just stfu and go back to sleep. FBI already has gone on record as calling this a scam, and last I heard, the department having jurisdiction was NOT the CIA, but FBI.

  11. Oh – I get it now. I’ve been away from “the news” over the weekend, and now that I’m back and catching up I am starting to see that the whole purpose of this “Russian hacked” election meme and so-called probe – is Plan Z for the Dems/traitors to try and nullify and overturn the election of DJT, by spreading yet another lie.

    So those in the obama admin are going to try and find that Russia “interferred” with our election, even after Assange/wikilinks have denied it was the Russians, and also the fact that the Russians didn’t hack voting machines – so how is it possible that the Russians had anything to do with it?

    Seriously, when President Trump takes office, he should send all these POS to the gallows for treason. Because TREASON is what it is.

  12. The repugnican deplorables spent billions going after President Hillary Clinton for stupid Benghazi, which she was innocent. So they had better investigate this and arrest every member of the electoral college who voted against her.

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