McCain Opposes Obamacare Repeal Because It Doesn’t Enjoy ‘Bipartisan Consensus’ – IOTW Report

McCain Opposes Obamacare Repeal Because It Doesn’t Enjoy ‘Bipartisan Consensus’

You can read about it here.


I’m just going to sit here and pretend like I’m stunned he made that idiotic statement.
Bipartisan consensus??? Which Republicans voted for 0bamacare, you scabby old bastard!?

Here’s where he once called 0bamaCare “Sleaze”.


28 Comments on McCain Opposes Obamacare Repeal Because It Doesn’t Enjoy ‘Bipartisan Consensus’

  1. McCain is a Democrat. If you put his voting record in that context there is no conflict.

    Why is there any upset here?

    Did you believe shit he said to get elected? Shame on you. He is the poster child for the uniparty that serves the elite. And because he has months left to live, he don’t care what you notice he does.

  2. Dear Brain Cancer,
    Please hurry, our nation cannot take much more of this dickhead.
    PS: if you’re not too busy, I have a few more names to add to your list.

  3. I seem to remember Obama Care passed late at night without a single repub vote cast in favor.

    Which means McCain opposed it at the time.

    But today he supports it.

    Why didn’t he vote for it at the time?

    And why has not a single news microphone holder asked him that question in front of a camera?

  4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was suppose to be dead of pancreatic cancer for the past six years and she’s still here so I’m not holding my breath on McCain. Obviously, they get the most advanced health care and the cost is never a factor.
    Our tax dollars pay for their health care and they have the gall to deny us the same benefit.

  5. M’kane
    is just being what he has always been
    a liar
    a phony
    a hypocrite and a
    but I repeat myself.
    Rino lying scum like him
    can’t be removed from the Senate
    soon enough
    Nor die
    Soon enough.
    He’s that worthless
    He’s that deserving of eternal shame.

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