McCarthy Busted – IOTW Report

McCarthy Busted

GP: HE’S FINISHED: GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Released Statement Saying NYT Authors Misquoted Him on Pushing Trump from Office — THEN THEY RELEASED THE AUDIO. h/t Brad.

Hey, wanna give him a call? He seems to enjoy talking on the *phone. lol
*But please, try your best to be polite.

Washington, DC Office

2468 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-2915
Fax: (202) 225-2908
Hours: M-F 9:00am-6:00pm

Bakersfield District Office

4100 Empire Drive Suite 150 Bakersfield, CA 93309

Phone: (661) 327-3611
Fax: (661) 637-0867
Hours: M-F 8:30am – 5:00pm

You can email him, too!

He’s on Twitter:


And Youtube!

18 Comments on McCarthy Busted

  1. But is he toast? Our reps keep voting for this leadership. It’s so hard not to be discouraged, sorry. Like Pres Trump endorsing, first Dr. Oz and now JD Vance in Ohio! WTH!

  2. Politics is a field of endeavor for amoral, mega-egomaniacal atheists.

    They are their own god.

    They lie, cheat, steal, rape, pay-for-murder, oppress, intimidate, and any other abomination to further their careers.
    They are THE sons and daughters of iniquity.

    The few who enter that arena for altruistic reasons don’t last long – they are either corrupted or quit in disgust.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Can’t stand Jordan, he’s a fucking gasbag. When he had the power he pontificated. He grilled Dorsey like a bad ass and then…yeah crickets. Gee yathink google kicking in $20K into his coffers made a diff?

    Every time I see one of his tweets it’s like he’s stepped into the present from last year to tell us something that my bird was pooping on 6 months ago. Thank you so much Captain Obvious for telling me inflation is up and gas prices are climbing.

    What would you say is one of the most in your face, unConstitutional abuses of the rule of law happening right now? I’ll go with the 1/6 prisoners. And where has almost every R been, including Jim Jordan, the last 15 months? Sitting on their fucking hands while a precedent we don’t want to see is being established.

    These guys with big hats and no cattle have been killing us forever. I want a MTG or Matt Gaetz leading the House. They will use the power we give them not jawbone us or send out stale tweets.

  4. “Can’t stand Jordan, he’s a fucking gasbag. When he had the power he pontificated.”

    What exactly do you think Jordan can do by himself? Inquiring minds and all.

  5. I don’t know much about Jordan, but he gives the demons hell in congress from the vidoes of him I’ve been watching lately. I keep my hopes up for other consevatives in congress that do that and hope they don’t wilt like week-old lettuce.

    But I thought the same of that southern guy who changed his hair style every day, combing what little hair he had backwards, frontwards, or sideways, depending, I suppose on his mood when he awoake in the morning. He was all hat and no cattle. A rowboat without an oar. A cook without a carving knife.

  6. What can 1 guy do? Ask the women in the House and I mean the women on both sides who are the only ones with any balls about swaying their caucus. Matt Gaetz is a big exception.

    I’ll tell you what doesn’t work and that’s sending lame tweets and coming off tough in pointless investigations. And then doing not a fookin’ thing.

    Marjorie Green makes the requisite speeches, just like Captain Obvious, with a tight shot at the lectern in a nearly empty House. yeah I get that but she is out there making our case just like the dem Squad. Say what you will about AOC’s politics, she’s changing minds and making people aware.

    MTG is so effective, the left is trying to keep her off the ballot. Yathink they give a shit about a gasbag like Jordan? I don’t. Already over 60 dems are on board to bar her and where is Jordan? Or McCarthy? yeah. Captain Obvious sent out a tweet telling me gas is up? gee thanks.

    And where was ANYONE on our side when another great gal, Laura Loomer, was thrown off social media during her run last time? It’s so obvious that they play us time after time for suckers. Bet your ass McCarthy gets the Speakership if the chips fall for us.

    I’ve seen this go along bullshit in both R districts that I’ve lived in. They get their Come To Jesus talk when they get to DC and after that, Not A Fucking Peep about what their constituents want.


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