McCarthy files resolution to kick Swalwell off intel committee over past ties to suspected Chinese spy – IOTW Report

McCarthy files resolution to kick Swalwell off intel committee over past ties to suspected Chinese spy

Aw, isn’t Kevin McCarthy just adorable? *eye roll*


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Thursday filed a resolution aimed at removing Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence over past ties to an alleged Chinese spy named Fang Fang.

The two-page resolution — obtained by Fox News — says Swalwell, D-Calif., “has not denied public reporting that a suspected Chinese intelligence operative helped raise money for Representative Swalwell’s political campaigns” and “other troublesome elements of public reporting.” more

11 Comments on McCarthy files resolution to kick Swalwell off intel committee over past ties to suspected Chinese spy

  1. Ha! Isn’t it up to bang bang, ding dip, ching chang, Wally wally bing bang or what ever her name is?

    It seems what happens in government is out of our hands, glands, hopes or pokes and has been left to the chinks, dinks finks or whatever……

  2. A straight up party vote, Swalwell’s got nothing to worry about.

    I wonder if McCarthy and his ilk think that he should wage these no win battles just to show the folks back home that he is ,”Fighting for us”. I would prefer he quit grandstanding, keep his coalition together so that every crappy piece of legislation passed only has the dem’s signature on it, so that in 2022 when our quality of life is circling the drain he can say ,”See, we told you so, vote GOP next time”.

  3. What’s amazing is Little China Girl Spy was turning him into a glazed doughnut while he was married. And his wife’s sticking with him. She must be a Libtard school teacher.

  4. This is what redistricting brings you. This weak sister Reps a portion of Oakland. Libtard city. But he also reps Livermore Ca. Redneck Cowboy central. All conservative. He certainly doesn’t represent the disenfranchised residents of Livermore

  5. I remember some chick that was subbing for Limbaugh years ago saying that McCarthy was actually a good politician, blah blah blah because he’s from the same district she lives in. I’m like- Does she understand he’s on TV all over CA not just up north? I shut the radio off.

  6. God Damnit. Your posting to fast. Gone. FUCK.
    I usually just quite. I’ll try this again. Severely abbreviated.
    Swallowswells parents are conservatives. This is what happens when you send your kids off to any note worthy university.

  7. It’s all a sh-t show for us to think that McCarthy is actually on our side but in reality a RINO like all the useless R in government. So, so sad. We watch and see so blatantly how corrupt the whole system is. It’s all about patience, I’m learning. Just be patient is what I am hearing.

    God Bless us all!


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