McCarthy & McConnell: Vipers Within the Tent – IOTW Report

McCarthy & McConnell: Vipers Within the Tent

Kevin McCarthy represents the worst aspects of Beltway politics, a well-rewarded stooge willing to serve as controlled opposition for the oligarchy

America First with Steve Cortes:

Rachel Maddow did America First a solid.

No, really.

She further revealed to the world just what a duplicitous, conniving insider Kevin McCarthy is — and that unveiling should steel our movement’s resolve to oust him from leadership.

Here’s the relevant background on Frank Luntz’s roomie, McCarthy:

NY Times writers Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns published a new book, This Will Not Pass, detailing McCarthy’s harsh private denunciations of President Trump after January 6th. They quote Kevin whining about Trump: “I’ve had it with this guy. What he did is unacceptable.”

Last week, McCarthy issued a rebuke of the book’s account, denying the veracity of the reporting. Then, Maddow showed the world the truth. Her show released a tape of McCarthy consulting with Liz Cheney to plot against Donald Trump in the waning days of his presidency. With only 10 days left in office, McCarthy told Cheney that “it would be my recommendation that he [Trump] should resign” over then events of January 6th.

So, this episode reveals McCarthy as both dishonest and disloyal. Only a true acolyte of Frank Luntz could earn the scorn of the Maddow radical Left and the America First populist Right…simultaneously!

Then again, Luntz and McCarthy aren’t just roommates. They also both derive massive benefits from some of the biggest business interests in America, particularly Big Tech oligarchs. more

8 Comments on McCarthy & McConnell: Vipers Within the Tent

  1. These 2(MItch + Ken. not Luntz, who is unknown by most voters) Ronny haters will keep the GOP wins (if any) to a minimum. NO conservative will vote GOP if they are the “leaders” in Oct!

    For those <50 Ronny, like Don, was conservative. These leftists hate conservatives!

  2. Why are we, and this country, in the shape it is today you may ask. It’s easy to blame the democraps, but we didn’t get here without the repuglicans help.

  3. Amoral, corrupt, deceitful, mendacious, treasonous – yep – he’s qualified to lead the Republican Party.
    (if he were also a drunken pervert he’d be Speaker of the House! (cuz then he’d be a Demonrat))

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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