McCarthy mocks Pelosi for refusing impeachment questions from reporters – IOTW Report

McCarthy mocks Pelosi for refusing impeachment questions from reporters

“I would think if Nancy Pelosi thought impeachment was so important that she had to put this before the American public … the press conference the day after impeachment — that she has weekly — I thought she would have welcomed questions about impeachment,” McCarthy said. “Unfortunately, she told you they were Republican talking points and she would not take your questions. I never thought a speaker would act that way.” Article

17 Comments on McCarthy mocks Pelosi for refusing impeachment questions from reporters

  1. After last night’s vote, she came to the mic and when reporters weren’t asking the right questions, she said, “Cheryl, didn’t you have a question you wanted to ask”? To which Cheryl (whoever that is), said, “oh, ah, yeah, ah…..”

    No, Nancy’s not a blatantly manipulative con artist at all. 🤮

  2. “Impeachment was so important that we had to move ahead with it. But it is not so important that we need to move ahead with it.”

    Yeah, way to make the Senate’s job of dismissing it right away so much easier.

    “But we wanted to see if anything else came up.”

    In other words, you had nothing to begin with.

  3. Think about it?

    DJT is sooooo ‘dangerous to national security’, I think that is a ‘charge’, but yet they go on vacay for the next THREE weeks AND are holding back the charges for months maybe???

    Pinch me.

  4. Giving women the right to vote was the cardinal error. Pelosi is the example. It votes from its sex organ. This is why women have no business in our political system.

  5. She doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks. She is the tyrannical queen of Congress; to hell with the senate, justice and especially to hell with the peons. Talk about dictators.

    One look at demoncrats, with her threatening look quieting the cheers of the congressional idiots passing the resolution, said it all. She’s pure evil.

  6. Pelosi can’t be frank and celebrate because she ain’t got nothin’ yet — not until she will have gone to present all accusations personally to the Senate. It won’t be “old home week” there!

    Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate
    According to the Constitution, impeachment is a process, not a vote.
    By Noah Feldman
    December 19, 2019

    “If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all.

    That’s because “impeachment” under the Constitution means the House sending its approved articles of to the Senate, with House managers standing up in the Senate and saying the president is impeached.”

    “As for the headlines we saw after the House vote saying, “TRUMP IMPEACHED,” those are a media shorthand, not a technically correct legal statement. So far, the House has voted to impeach (future tense) Trump. He isn’t impeached (past tense) until the articles go to the Senate and the House members deliver the message.

    Once the articles are sent, the Senate has a constitutional duty to hold a trial on the impeachment charges presented. Failure for the Senate to hold a trial after impeachment would deviate from the Constitution’s clear expectation.”

  7. Remember what she said before voting on impeachment: “We have no other choice.” It makes total sense.

    If they didn’t vote on impeachment before the Christmas and New Year break, they wouldn’t be able to use the holidays as an excuse for why nothing is being done to continue the process, and they were betting on the American people being too distracted by the holidays to care.

    That last part hasn’t worked out so well…

  8. Trump and the GOP over the next week or two need to hammer home the fact that Pelosi refuses to hand over the documents that will allow the Senate to proceed with a trial unless she can set the rules for the Senate trial just as they set the rules in Congress that crippled the ability for the Republicans to reply to these empty charges. Just HAMMER it tv, on the talk shows, radio, ger Rush involved and everytime Pelosi says she’s just trying to ensure a fair trial quote an example of Schiff and the other members of the inquisition shutting down an Republican or refusing a Republican request for a witness. Whenever Pelosi tries to says that McConnell isn’t impartial then use quotes from Democrats (especially her) from before Trump was elected all the way through to just before the impeachment vote that shows without a doubt, the intention of the Democrats to remove this President from office without the benefit of an election. Whenever the GOP talks about it work the word coup into the conversation.

  9. Keep making jokes for laughs, but don’t let your guard down about the very possible peril power drunk Communists are capable of. All are sadists because that is how they forcibly gain control. A legitimate warning:

    “People really need to pay attention over Christmas break to make sure no surprise sessions get held by the house or senate. They played that trick before with the federal reserve and I will comfortably say that if they don’t do exactly that to oust Trump over Christmas, they’re TOAST.”

    If Trump were to personally, publicly testify in a Senate trial, not only would Democrats fry, but so would some guilty Republicans. None of them want that! So who is going to be protecting Trump from these domestic enemies?

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