McCarthy Vows to Release January 6 Footage to Public – IOTW Report

McCarthy Vows to Release January 6 Footage to Public

National File: In a Wednesday interview with Breitbart News, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said all January 6 footage would be released to the public. McCarthy’s commitment to release the Capitol protest tapes to the public comes on the heels of Tucker Carlson showing previously unseen January 6 footage that he obtained from Speaker McCarthy. So far, McCarthy has not provided a date for the January 6th footage to be released to the public.

When asked if the January 6 tapes would be released to the public, McCarthy answered in the affirmative.


20 Comments on McCarthy Vows to Release January 6 Footage to Public

  1. Massive parallel processing! Could get this sorted out in just a few weeks if it was at all coordinated, even without computer facial recognition assistance.

    Lots of integrating to follow story lines so we can expect video still in the least helpful formats….


  2. How do you redact a video? McCarthy needs to release it in it’s entirety asap. The ANONS have offered to sift through it. They’ll find every Fed, BLM member, and ANTIFA member. And name them by name and badge number. They’re much better than the FBI wants to be.

  3. Congress has no power to indict or prosecute the democrats and RINOs who produced, performed, and executed the lie of an insurrection.

    DOJ has the Power to direct the corrupt, weaponized FBI to Investigate. It is very doubtful the FBI would recommend indictment of the Democrat leadership of the House, Senate and their staff, or the RINOs who parroted the DNC Talking Points.
    Attorney General Merrick Garland as a corrupt establishment elitist will choose not indict or prosecute.

    Bring on the theatrics and outrage of the House Committee hearings.
    Enter the House Clown Show, with their surprise, righteous indignation hearing, learning, what everyone knew all along – except the House members. Honesty, integrity and Transparency are illusions in Biden’s Administration

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
    “The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the Big lie.”

    The original description of the big lie appeared in Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. Democrats, “The Rules for Radicals” Have deployed this dishonesty for decades with remarkable success particularly the staunch Socialist Democrats, Plain old socialists, communists, the under-educated and the ill informed who subject themselves to Main Stream Media DNC Talking Point.
    The lies will continue The Border isn’t in Crisis, Inflation is lower, Unemployment is up, gas prices have reduced, Taxed will go down, Global Climate change is real, Can’t afford High gas price, buy an electric car

    I pray that the woke and duped will wakeup, see the light and help us repair our Nation by getting rid of Establishment Democrats and RINO Republicans.

  4. And…….I gots a nuttin burger.
    Real story, the House will fail to pass any type of a budget, hence Social Security benefit checks will stop because there is no emergency Federal payment of benefits if the Federal government goes into default.
    The GOP, fucking senior citizens now their number one goal.

  5. @ AndyR MARCH 11, 2023 AT 12:04 AM

    You got it about half right.

    Neither the Democrats or the Republican establishment give a flying fuck about the American people. They are birds of a feather and screwing the American people is the tie that binds these friends across the aisle.

    If you think the Democrats give any more a shit about senior citizens than the GOPe, you haven’t been paying attention. There isn’t a single solitary one in either camp that wouldn’t steal every last dime from every senior citizen, including the pennies off their own mother’s eyes if they thought they could get away with it.

  6. “I pray that the woke and duped will wakeup, see the light and help us repair our Nation by getting rid of Establishment Democrats and RINO Republicans.” -cato

    You have a higher chance of winning the Mega Millions lottery.

  7. FAFO – The Dems and their media mouthpieces continue to lie about Jan. 6, 2021, so McCarthy has little choice but to stick their noses in the shit pie of their own making. On the bright side for the lying liars, at least Ken (Mr) Burns will have easy access to cherry pickable material to make a docu-series about “The Gunpowderless Plot” of 2021.

  8. If there’s any justice left on this side of the realm, the January 6th prisoners will be released and personally and permanently sue the SHIT out of Lez Cheney, Adam Schitt, Nancy Pelousy, the media, et al!


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