McCaskill faces 2018 challenge from within her party – IOTW Report

McCaskill faces 2018 challenge from within her party

Take a picture of that seat while you still have it, Claire.



WaTimes: Sen. Claire McCaskill already was anticipating a tough fight from Republicans as she seeks a third term, but her path got even trickier this month when she found out she now faces a challenge from her left as well.

Ms. McCaskill is perhaps the most vulnerable Democrat in the Senate heading into next year, where she will try to defend her seat in Missouri, a state that’s tilted heavily toward Republicans in recent years.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has been showering Ms. McCaskill with criticism for months, accusing her of joining fellow Democrats in obstructing President Trump’s agenda.

Another GOP-aligned group, Missouri Rising Action, has formed a political action committee intended to entice Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley to jump into the race to challenge the two-term senator.  read more

10 Comments on McCaskill faces 2018 challenge from within her party

  1. if we want to save our republic we need to replace all our professional politicians with like minded citizens.

    you cannot expect the “problem people” to police themselves.

    if you do, you are expecting what has never happened to happen in known human history.

  2. Insider grants and federal housing subsidies has made her and her husband millionaires. Claire McCaskill’s husband used the U.S. Senate Dining Room to cut business deals selling tax credits tied to stimulus money.

    Ethics is not her strong point.

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